Projects, Thesis, Final Year Projects, IT, MBA, Seminar

Computer Science (CSE - IT ) Thesis On Cloud Computing

Title: Cloud Computing And Confidentiality
Master of Science Graduation Thesis Computer Science
Project Intro: To explain the definition in short, “convenient on-demand network access”, together with “minimal management effort or service provider interaction,” stands for easy and fast network access to resources that are ready to use. With a “shared pool of resources,” the available computing resources of a cloud provider are combined as one big collection, to serve all users. The “rapid provisioning and releasing” of computing resources is used to quickly match available resources, with the need for those resources. This rapid provisioning prevents a lack of computing power when the need increases, while rapid release of assigned resources prevents that resources are idle while they may be required elsewhere.

Abstract: Cloud computing is an upcoming paradigm that offers tremendous advantages in economical aspects, such as reduced time to market, flexible computing capabilities, and limitless computing power. To use the full potential of cloud computing, data is transferred, processed and stored by external cloud providers. However, data owners are very skeptical to place their data outside their own control sphere. This thesis discusses to which degree this skepticism is justified, by presenting the Cloud Computing Confidentiality Framework (CCCF). The CCCF is a step-by-step framework that creates mapping from data sensitivity onto the most suitable cloud computing architecture. To achieve this, the CCCF determines first of all the security mechanisms required for each data sensitivity level, secondly which of these security controls may not be supported in certain computing environments, and finally which solutions can be used to cope with the identified security limitations of cloud computing. The most thorough security controls needed to protect the most sensitive data may not be guaranteed in public cloud computing architectures, while they can be realized in private cloud computing architectures. As the most promising cloud computing approach, this thesis suggests selective cloudbursting, which acts as a hybrid cloud model with selective data transfers between public and private clouds.
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Finanace And Banking Project Report on Bank Capital Regulation Leading

Title: Bank Capital, Capital Regulation and Lending
Abstract: The paper analyzes bank loan supply in a simple value maximizing partial equilibrium framework. The focus is on the role of bank capital, capital regulation and the pricing of bank liabilities. The model is constructed so as to resemble the situation of the Finnish local banks in the late 1980s and the early 1990s, particularly with regard to capital regulation which changed subtantially during this period. While equity capital is assumed exogenous, the bank may choose the amount of subordinated debt which also counts as regulatory capital. The model shows that bank characteristics matter for loan supply, when the bank is penalized for bank failure (capital insufficiency relative to a regulatory requirement). When this penalty is positive, fair or excessive pricing (lemons premium) of bank liabilities makes bank lending depend positively on bank capital but underpricing results in a negative relationship. A negative relationship may also emerge if the bank anticipates "perverse" bank support policies ie that capital insufficiency will be rewarded with transfers from the authorities. Thus both a credit crunch due to lack of capital and "excessive" risky lending due to moral hazard can obtain in a single model, depending on the circumstances. The precise nature of capital regulation is not important, provided a failure to meet the requirement is sufficiently penalized. The model suggests that the mutually exclusive hypotheses of credit crunch / excessive lending due to moral hazard can be tested not only by examining the relationship between bank lending on the one hand and bank equity and bank costs on the other hand, but also by examining the relationship of subordinated debt with bank lending and the capital ratio.
Keywords: bank lending; capital; capital regulation; moral hazard; credit crunch.
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Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Multiple Antennas (ECE / EEE) Project

Title: An Adaptive Mac Protocol for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Multiple Antennas
Master of Science: Department of Electrical Engineering.
Project Intro: This thesis consists of seven chapters. The rest of the thesis is organized as follow. In Chapter 2, we introduce the MIMO channels and the properties of it, Array Gain, Diversity Gain, Spatial Multiplexing and Interference Reduction. In Chapter 3, we present the current MAC protocols, specify the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol, and point out the hidden node and exposed node problems with it. In Chapter 4, we 2 introduce the different scenarios in using MIMO links. Chapter 5 proposes the new adaptive MAC protocol, AMTA-MAC, and presents the basic structure, operation and analysis under different situations. In Chapter 6, we simulate the proposed AMTA-MAC protocol, and compare the results with IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol and MIMA-MAC protocol. In Chapter 7, we present conclusions. 
Abstract: Radio links that use multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver sides are referred to as Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) links. MIMO links are known to provide multiplicative increase in capacity and spectral efficiency by simultaneously transmitting multiple independent data streams in the same channel. However, current medium access control (MAC) protocols can’t fully exploit the bandwidth and capacity of the MIMO links. In this thesis, we present a new MAC protocol, Achieving Maximum Transmit Antenna MAC (AMTA-MAC), which can fully utilize the feature of MIMO links to achieve better performance in terms of fairness and throughput. We implement the AMTA-MAC protocol in the network simulator ns-2 for a system with two antennas. Simulation results show that the AMTA-MAC outperforms the throughput of IEEE 802.11 and MIMA-MAC and mitigates the unfairness problem of IEEE 802.11.
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Civil And Environmental Engineering Project On Ultra High Performance Concrete Girders

Title: Behavioral Study of Ultra High Performance Concrete Girders
Master of Science: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Project Intro: The importance of transportation facilities to the nation's economic strength and efficiency is generally recognized. A fundamental requirement of manufacturers is to distribute their products to appropriate markets quickly and inexpensively; people must be able to get to work and to conduct business. As illustrated by recent disasters - flooding along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and the Northridge earthquake in California - any significant disruption in the movement of goods or people economically impacts a great number of businesses and huge population groups. The FHWA established a priority research project in 1989 for studying the connection linkage between investment in highways and bridges and the nations ability to sustain economic performance and growth. The link between transportation and economic development continues to justify significant public expenditures in transportation systems at the local, state, and federal levels. The benefits from our highway system cross all levels of society and are exhibited in several ways. The industry studies indicate that evolving management forms and logistic cost-savings would not be possible without our expansive highway system. For example, a lower-cost, efficient, reliable highway network allows transportation consumers to redesign production processes and access more markets, thereby providing a wider array of goods and services at lower costs. Reductions in logistic costs will continue to offer consumers and producers extraordinary benefits.
Abstract: Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is one of the newer and superior classes of concrete that can be used to develop improved bridges capable of meeting the present and future traffic, environmental, maintenance and economical requirements. Developing on the superior material properties of UHPC, the research discussed herein studies the behavior of UHPC when used as a bridge girder material. Four optimized girders have been cast and studied for various early age as well as long term properties such as early age shrinkage, transfer length, creep behavior and shrinkage under steam treatment. Data has been recorded through vibrating wire gages installed at strategic locations within each girder before they are cast. While the shrinkage and creep observed are very low which is characteristic of UHPC, various other aspects such as shrinkage being closely tied to formwork restraint and temperature and the prestress transfer being dependent on the girder geometry and strand pattern have been discussed. From the results we can conclude that UHPC is a promising bridge building material and with further research can be extensively employed for developing bridges.
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Entrepreneural Management Project On Businees Plan

Title: BUSINESS PLAN ( Import, Export and Car Trading Company )
Purpose: This business plan has been developed to obtain a start up capital for the operations of BEFCO Trading Limited- an import export and car trading company. It also serves as an operational outline and plan for the first five years. The founding entrepreneurs intend to raise a start up capital of CFA100, 000,000francs. The founding entrepreneurs are able and willing to contribute CFA50, 000,000francs, CFA30, 000,000francs shall be allotted to 30 preference share holders and CFA20, and 000,000francs shall be raised through an investment loan from the bank. Each of the entrepreneurs shall invest CFA10, 000,000francs but the CEO shall invest an additional CFA10, 000,000francs to make up for the amount to be raised by the entrepreneurial team. The business plan uses the following exchange: CFA 675francs =1Euro = 10SEK for clarity and simplicity of conversion.
Problem And Solution: In Cameroon, the existing car dealing companies are apparently doing great but are located mainly in the French speaking provinces of Douala, Yaoundé and Garoua. Evident from the fact that there are presently about 17 companies selling used and new cars in Cameroon with no one located in the two English speaking provinces of Cameroon indicates there is a problem. This problem is that all these companies are located in the originally French speaking provinces of Cameroon leaving those in the English speaking provinces underserved. BEFCO Trading Ltd is a result of the observation of trends, intuition and chance thanks to the favourable circumstances surrounding the entrepreneurs. This favourable circumstance has resulted to the availability of a network and exposure to a market aimed at solving this problem through the creation of BEFCO Trading Ltd in line with the reasoning of Barringer and Ireland (2006). BEFCO Trading Ltd is built on the founders’ recognition of this opportunity gap - - A gap between what is currently on the market and the possibility for a new or significantly improved product, service, or business that results from emerging trends (Timmons and Spinelli, 2003). BEFCO Trading ltd will be the only used car Company located in the South-West and North-West provinces of Cameroon thereby serving the niche market at their door steps
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Mechanical Engineering Project On Automatic Design Of Wiring Pattern

Project Description:The project is involved with the estimation of wiring pattern, wire properties, manufacturing data and the manufacturing costs of a new product. The wiring pattern of the system is provided with an algorithm. The objective with this project is either to explore new approaches or improve already existing algorithm for wiring pattern of the car seat heaters which is not sufficient enough. In today’s world almost all of the large scaled companies are holding only the assembly lines in their own plants and most of the production and manufacturing facilities are provided by the SMEs (small and medium sized enterprise). In order to compute within each other, subcontractors have to show on-time response in quotations with high accuracy in delivery and cost estimations to be able to do such co-operations with the large-scaled companies.
Abstract: This projects aims to develop design automation in product development. Design automation causes increase in producibility and decrease in product cost and manufacturing lead time. The study at hand is proposed to provide a new method and to introduce procedure to the design of wiring pattern for a car seat heater for Kongsberg Automotive, KA. KA is a Norwegian company and a global provider of engineering, design, and manufacture for seat comfort, driver and motion control systems, fluid assemblies, and industrial driver interface products. The method that currently is used in the company to create a wiring pattern is neither sufficient enough nor automated. In order to design the wiring pattern, at first procedure is handled by the designer. Secondly, car seat heater 2D layout is imported and then, the dimensions of the elements are defined as constraints. Then VBA codes are opened and the program is run. The result will be a wiring pattern in different 2D layouts. To make the design process easier, we have modeled five different layouts; wiring pattern of one element, two elements, three elements, five elements (with two back sides) and one element trapezoidal 2D layout.The algorithm written in VBA (Visual basic for application) creates the pattern according to the dimensions of the elements which are used as inputs to define constrained parameters. The created macros are simple to use and easy to modify, independent from the programming knowledge. The user is only responsible with parameter input and running the program. The solution gives wiring pattern for a car seat heater.
Keywords: CATIA V5, Wiring Pattern, Design Automation, Kongsberg Automotive (KA) ProceedoStudio Producibility Seat Heater Visual Basic Applications.
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Master Thesis For IT And Management Cloud Computing Evaluation

Title: Cloud Computing Evaluation - How it Differs to Traditional IT Outsourcing
Master Thesis For Information Technology and Management
Introduction to Thesis: This chapter at hand will introduce the background of the research topic and provide information about the knowledge gap which this topic is about to fill by discussing the previous research around this subject. The argumentation will be enhanced by providing the research questions, purpose and delimitations of the topic. A time line will also be provided as much as a definition of terms.
Cloud Computing, that is providing computer resources as a service, is a technology revolution offering flexible IT usage in a cost efficient and pay-per-use way. As for the evaluation of companies to whether which technology solution to use, it would be necessary to decide whether or not the evaluation of cloud computing would actually differ to the traditional way of IT outsourcing.
Purpose of Thesis: The purpose is now to see how the evaluation of cloud computing possibilities as an outsourcing option actually differs to traditional IT outsourcing. One aspect that needs to be covered with this purpose, is whether it is possible to evaluate the source through a cloud computing solution with the same concepts and theories used to evaluate traditional IT outsourcing. It will also be the purpose to see, which aspects need to be added or removed when considering a cloud computing opportunity compared to the traditional IT outsourcing.

Problem Discussion: Outsourcing IT capabilities are a crucial and inevitable step for enterprises that want to survive in the currently high competitive climate. Until now most of the researches, that has been done so far, only consider the XaaS model only from a traditional IT outsourcing point of view rather than in the cloud computing context. This research will now include the evaluation of cloud solutions giving companies another possibility to outsource their IT resources.

Method: With help of the theoretical framework, interviews have been launched with three companies to see what their general opinion and knowledge is on the evaluation of cloud computing and its maturity. Questions have been asked openly so that answers could not be directed or manipulated by the authors of the research.

Conclusion: After challenging the theoretical framework against the data collected, the traditional IT outsourcing theories appeared to be valid also for the evaluation of cloud computing solutions. Some important concepts are added to the evaluation of cloud computing solutions in consequence of particularities present in the model.
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Electrical Engineering Thesis On Application of IEEE 802.15.4

Title: Application of IEEE 802.15.4 for Home Network
Department Of Electrical Engineering
Project Intro: Applications of wireless sensor network has increased tremendously for the past years and still rising. The focus on sensor networks for home application has a main topic of low power consumption and efficient implementation of hardware and software for various applications. Research on different wireless protocols has also been applied. Applications as 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) are inappropriate with a redundant data rate and high power consumption. Bluetooth protocol was primarily introduced 1994 for a low data rate for compensation of cables for computers and mobile devices. The disadvantage of Bluetooth protocol is the limitation of number of nodes that can be connected simultaneously (1 master & 7 slaves) and the high level of power consumption. A new implementation of wireless sensor network IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee introduced in 2000 with a main topic of low data rate control and sensor applications in wireless networks. Zigbee is predicated on IEEE 802.15.4 technological standard for low data rate in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency band. Low data rate provided by IEEE 802.15.4, allow communication among devices with consideration to very low power consumption in use of battery supply. IEEE 802.15.4 devices are appropriate for home environment with a main topic of a low cost and low data rate. 
Abstract: To implement a utility wireless sensor network, investigation of different wireless protocols has been performed. The protocols are Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee. Consecutively literature studies have made it comprehensible to understand the function of the protocols that are suitable for development of wireless sensor networks. The importance of low cost, low power, reliable and high-quality properties for long distances are significant. IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee protocol are proper to implement as a wireless sensor network. To reduce the human efforts in the configuration of the system, a comfortable method is implemented to facilitate the procedure. The applied method is based on an automatic configuration of the system. The configuration and the decision taking are implemented in the software. The system is designed to avoid interference to other wireless networks with the possibilities of reconfiguration. A uniform hardware and software design with separate functions of the system decided by a subsequent command for configuration is preferable. This imposes an advantage that increases the flexible potential of the system when a uniform solution is implemented. To support the basic communication principles and control of the system, a buffer implementation has been introduced. The functionality of decision taking is distributed, configured by system commands from the host system. Detecting of system commands requires a properly operating buffer management. In consideration to the power consumption in reference to battery utilizations, the settings of RF-module and microcontroller have a powerful impact to reduce the power consumption. All possibilities of hibernates and avoidance of unnecessarily transmitting, should be deactivated to minimize the power consumption.
Keywords: Sensor Network, XBee, IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi.
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Management Project Thesis On Blog Marketing A Consumer Perspective

Title: Blog Marketing - A Consumer Perspective
Abstract: The little research that has been done on blog marketing has been done from a company perspective. However, no or little research has yet considered how consumers use blogs. In order to use blogs as a communication tool, it is of huge importance for companies to understand how consumers use blogs in their decision making. Hence the purpose is; “To explore how and why consumers use blogs in their decision making process“ The phenomenon of blogs is growing rapidly and is expected to increase even in a more rapid pace (Technorati, 2006, November 6). As Wright (2006) discuss; blogs provides a new way of communicating with customers, as customers want to be talked with, not to. Companies have newly started to pay attention to this and as a result, the concept of blog marketing has been born. In order to answer this purpose we conducted nine interviews on young adults, as previous research suggests that this population use blogs the most (Tremayne, 2007). From the collected data a qualitative analyses was made in which the empirical findings was analyzed with support of the theoretical framework. From the analysis we found that consumers use blogs throughout their decision making. Within the consumers’ decision making, collaborative blogs was mostly used as the consumers could get more input from a larger audience and because this type of blog tended to cover a specific topic of interest for the consumers. Consumers were found mainly writing in the blogs when they had knowledge to contribute with or when they needed information that they could not otherwise find in the blogs. We also noticed that consumers turned to groups they belonged to, so called normative group, or they turned to groups that they did not belong to, so called comparative groups. These groups influenced the consumer by providing them with knowledge and by giving them positive and negative confirmation on their choice of purchase. However normative groups also persuaded the consumer to buy products in order to belong to the group. Besides this, a pattern of characteristics of the individuals that the consumer blogged with were noticed. Consumers wanted user experiences and thus the vast majority of these individuals they turned to, seemed to be consumers themselves, with relevant product experiences. The consumers also seem to blog more with certain individuals, whose opinions were valued more. These individuals often shared the latest information on products. Lastly we found that consumers seemed to be selective when reading blog posts. The blog posts needed to contain detailed- and up-to-date information. Moreover, consumers wanted blog post to be written by other consumers because they saw them as more credible then companies. The consumers also chose to read blog posts that show similarities between the consumer and the blogger in terms of either usage pattern of product or preference for product choices.
Keywords : Blog marketing, consumer behavior, consumer behavior log marketing, consumer behavior, log marketing, consumer behavior, marketing communication, marketing communication, marketing communication, marketing communication.
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Educational Comunication Thesis The optimal intranet

Title: The optimal intranet: Case study in how the intranet for a educational organization should be developed based upon employee perspective.
Abstract: In a society like ours we are in need for effective internal communication. Distance will no longer be a problem in order to inform and communicate with all employees within a company. The daily communication previously been eye to eye is now replaced by an equivalent virtual communication. This study aims to investigate the ideal image of an intranet based on the needs of employees in the John Bauer Organization. What features are requested by the employees and should all of the information and communication take place via an intranet? What other channels in addition to intranet should there be according to the employees? Focus groups have been chosen as the interview method with employees from John Bauer Organization. A content analysis has been done to obtain trends and opinions among the employees. Findings of the survey show that there should be an integrated system which only requires one login to access all programs. Empowerment over their own intranet page is also requested, in which employees want to be able to choose the information they want to read. In addition to an intranet, employees also felt that there should be continuous newsletters from leadership and management. In addition, employees expressed the view that there should also be a staff magazine for increasing the "we-feeling" in John Bauer Organization. All the employees interviewed felt that the physical meeting was an important element for the exchange of ideas and understanding among the staff. You can also subscribe to PROJECTSWORLDS via E-mail for more Projects
Keywords: Intranet, internal communication, employee perspective, John Bauer Organization.

Mechanical Thesis and Project on Topology Optimization of Gear Shifter

Title: Topology Optimization of Gear shifter Housing and Contact Benchmarks
Project Intro: In automotive component design criteria such as weight, strength, stiffness, manufacturing cost are sensitive issues for boosting its performance which in turn has direct impact on fuel economy and cost.This project deals with the design of gear shifter housing for Volkswagen car by using modern topology optimization techniques to the existing design. gear shifter housing holds the shifting mechanism and guides the lever to select the respective gear for different speed. Optimizing the design in terms of topology, material and structural is very important in arriving at practical solution.Topology optimization of gear shifter housing has been performed by using Altair Hyper WorkdsV10.0, Optistruct in which an optimization has been setup for improving the strength and stiffenss of the component for maintaining ts mechanical performance during its service by reducing the volume of a material by choosing the conceptual material layout of the material result from Optistruct and fine tuning it by using engineering decision for achieving better results.Topology optimization for contact problems has been challenging since several years for getting the best material layout for two bodies in contact in comparison of two software. To determine the optimum material layout distribution of material within the component with given set of loads and boundary conditions by placing a constrain on volume by minimizing sum of weighted compliance as well as maximizing lowest eigen value frequency. The process starts by applying loads to the gear shifter and constraining it in all directions thereby making the gear shifter a stiff design which can withstand loads from all direction. Boundary conditions play a major role in designing the component geometry.
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Electronics (ECE) Project Report On GPS for Environmental Management

This is a Electronics And Electrical (ECE & EEE) Project Report On GPS For Environmental Management
Project Summary: The digital revolution combined with the progressing communication theory brought tremendous advancements in information revolution. Even if there are problems with the present GPS system it offers a credible service to both high end and low end users. There are also a variety of techniques available to correct the pitfalls. As of now the present research in the field is to reduce the cost, increase the accuracy. It also aims at reducing the weight and to clear the line of sight between GPS receiver and four satellites. Satellite based navigational aid •Guide by 24 satellites round the globe in 6 orbits •3D positioning and time •Type of terrain and weather does not effect positioning •Cheap and precise operating equipment • Inherent error correction mode •A variant of GPS , DGPS has already been introduced.
ABSTRACT: In the beginning of the 19th century we had the industrial revolution, in the middle of the 20 th century we have the digital revolution, and in the dawn of the 21st century we have the communication revolution. The major innovation which upturned the communication revolution is the artificial satellite. Generally satellites use the latest technology for communication, remote sensing, weather forecasting and the like.Global positioning system, usually called GPS are used to communicate with satellites and with receivers in the different parts of the world. This seminar aims to throw light into the technical details, advantages, pitfalls and major application areas of the GPS systems. You can Also Subscribe to PROJECTSWORLDS Via E-mail for more project updates.

Information Science Thesis On Non-Real Time Applications of ORTS

Title: Scheduling for Non-Real Time Applications of ORTS Based on Two-Level Scheduling Scheme.
Department of Mathematics, Physics and Information Science.
Project Intro: This paper focuses on the two-level scheme, through analysis, we find that the scheduling strategy for non-real-time applications in original two-level scheduling scheme is too simple: it may make real-time applications unschedulable if non-real-time applications contain non-preemptive sections (NPS). In order to avoid that, this paper proposes four pointed scheduling rules and scheduling algorithm for non-real-time applications that can perfect it. Finally, feasibility is analysed The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II describes related works. In section III, we analyse the present two-level scheduling scheme of open real-time system. Section IV analyses scheduling of real-time and non-real time applications in two-level scheduling scheme. Section V gives existing problems and solving approaches of non-real time applications scheduling of two-level scheduling scheme for ORTS. We conclude with a short summary in Section VI.
Abstract: In an open real-time system, the coexistence of different kinds of real-time and non real-time applications makes the system scheduling mechanism face new requirements and challenges. One two-level scheduling scheme of the open real-time systems was introduced. Through analysis, we find that the scheduling strategy for non real-time applications in original two-level scheduling scheme is too simple: it may make real-time applications unschedulable if non real-time applications contain non-preemptive sections (NPS). In order to avoid that, this paper proposes four pointed scheduling rules. Then by integrating the improved scheduling algorithm for non-real-time applications, we can solve problems existing in non real-time applications scheduling. Ultimately, the schedulability of real-time applications and non-real time applications can be guaranteed. 
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Index Terms: Non preempt able section (NPS), non real-time application, open real-time system (ORTS), schedulability, two-level scheduling scheme.

Computers and Information Thesis on Strategies in Moving Object Databases

Title: Location Updating Strategies in Moving Object Databases
Department Of Computers and Information
Abstract: Recent advances in wireless, communication systems have led to important new applications of Moving object databases (MOD). Typical application examples of moving object databases (MOD) might include mobile computing, mobile E-Commerce, Traffic police, taxi dispatchers and weather reporting services. The mobile computing capabilities allow users to manage their work while they are moving. In order to manage such moving objects in database management systems (DBMS) an updating strategy for moving object is required. In this paper the problem of maintaining the current location of moving object in databases and the required updating strategy for moving object will be investigated. An implementation of two updating strategy will be introduced. Those updating strategies are distance and deviation updating polices. This implementation is based on the generation of spatial-temporal data for the moving objects (e.g. cars). The moving objects in the simulated system are moving through a network street. Finally a complete comparison of the predicted moving object path and the actual path is given.

Project Summary: This paper is organized as follows first a review for s patio-temporal data Model for MOD is given in section 2. An overview for distance and deviation updating strategies will be presented in section 3. The proposed architecture for the previously discussed updating strategy is introduced in section 4. Simulation results for the proposed architecture will be shown in section 5. Discussion of the obtained results is introduced in section 6. Finally conclusion will be drawn in section 7.
Index Keywords: Moving object databases (MOD), location management, Location updating strategies.
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EEE ( Electronics Thesis and Seminar Project ) On Medical Image registration

Mutual Information based Rigid Medical Image registration using Normalized Tsallis entropy and Type II fuzzy index.
Department Of Electronics
Project Intro: Image registration is the determination of geometrical transformation that aligns points of one view of an object with the corresponding points in another view of that object. i.e. output is a geometrical transformation which is simply a mathematical mapping from one points to points in second. The Paper is organized as follows. Section 2 Deals with the literature review of recent work in rigid image registration. Section 3 explains basics of our algorithm, and details of Normalized entropy. A new method to find optimal Tsallis parameter using Type II fuzzy set is proposed. The proposed algorithm is checked for mammograms with known simulated deformation and results with several validation techniques were shown in section 5. Section 6 contains the conclusion.
Abstract: We investigated the registration of medical images based on the Normalized Tsallis entropy using mutual information measure. A prerequisite for successful registration is unambiguous maximum of mutual information. We discuss the framework of our algorithm with Normalized Tsallis entropy as the core. Further we propose a type II fuzzy based technique to select the optimal Tsallis parameter q which provides the best alignment. Consequently, specific instances of image registration involving rigid affine transformations were studied. Registration was applied to clinically acquired mammogram. The accuracy was compared with several other techniques. Our algorithm shows promising results. Further,the Need for Pre-registration in mammogram is discussed in detail. Our algorithm can be effective enough to replace Shannon and Tsallis entropy based affine registration.
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Index Keywords: Tsallis entropy, Shannon entropy,Normalized Tsallis entropy, Joint intensity distribution,image registration, Powell optimization, Mammogram.

Computer Science Systems Thesis On E-Commerce Using Fuzzy Logic

Title: Products Recommendation in a B2C E-Commerce Using Fuzzy Logic
Brief Intro: One of the most important types of e-Commerce, classified according to the nature of the supplier and client, is Business to Consumer (B2C). In this type that consumer accesses the system of the supplier.Extensive research has been done investigating the role of trust in online purchase intention and behaviors, and the difference between initial and repeat trust formation and maintenance. On the other hand, much research on the area of recommendation systems has focused on improving recommendation accuracy and computational performances. Recommendation systems have achieved great success in generating accurate and ersonalized recommendations to their customers. The two important ways have been used nowadays which are data mining and live customer support. The motivation of this paper aims is to replace the data mining methods and human live support by an intelligent system that uses the fuzzy logic, that use rule base made by a human. In other words, this project aims to design an expert e-Commerce System (EECS) that helps the customer who browses a site to make the right decision, which means reducing the cost and time for the e-Commerce sites' owners.
Abstract: Customer is the most important success factor for Business to Costumer (B2C) e-Commerce. There are two important ways have been used nowadays which are data mining and live customer support. These two ways are effective and reliable, but each one has its own problem.In this paper, an intelligent algorithm developed to replace these two methods with fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules are generated from history data mining and an expert converts that data to rules.The solutions made through designing and implementing two databases, one for the fuzzy memberships and the other for the e-Commerce catalogue system. Then using PHP programming language, a script made to deal with these databases and link between them, then read data and process them using fuzzy logic to generate a recommendation to the customer.The
algorithm is applied to three kinds of products, and the results are compared with Amazon site and give high agreement.
Index Keywords:E-commerce service, B2C, Fuzzy logic, Products Recommendation.
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CSE And IT Project Report On Ad Agency System

Title: Ad Agency System using ASP.Net and C#

This is a Computer Science And Information Technology Project on a advertising agency using ASP.Net and C#.

The main features of this Project are: Ad Details, Ad Request, Ad Creation, Ad Rejection, Staff Functionality, Staff View, etc.

Main Data base files of the Project System include:







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Electronics Biomedical Project Wireless Electrocardiogram

Thesis For B.Sc Electrical Engineering
ABSTRACT: This document contains the development of an amplifier for an ECG-signal and interfacing it to wireless communication. The purpose of this project is to get a clear ECG-signal without any noise, save it and send it through wireless communication. A challenge of the wireless communication unit is to send as little information as possible to make the communication faster, without loss of information in the ECG-signal. The context for this project is the integration of wireless communication in medical applications for home healthcare. This means that, patients are no longer bound to a specific healthcare location where they are monitored by medical instruments. Wireless communication will not only provide them with safe and accurate monitoring, but also the freedom of movement.
Project Summary: This document contains five main chapters: the introduction, the theoretical background, method, results and conclusion. The introduction contains a description of the ECG-wave, with the necessary information about times and voltage levels of the different waves in the ECG-signal. The reader can also find some information on how to apply the electrodes onto the body and ECG-history. At the beginning of the theoretical background the reader can find information about amplification of the ECG-signal, the circuit and the description of any block in it. This part is very important because the ECG-signal is very weak and to be able to show the signal on a screen or grid paper it is necessary to amplify it to an acceptable voltage level. In the second part of the theoretical background the reader can find the description and characteristics of the products used for the wireless communication, including the wireless sensor nodes and the programs used to program that nodes. And in the appendices the reader can find the description of the program used to make the wireless communication. The method chapter contains the description of how to make the board for the ECG-signal amplification, explaining the programs and the instruments used in this project. The results chapter contains all the results of the tests that were made to the amplifier circuit and a comparison between the theoretical values and the real ones.
In the conclusion chapter the reader can find the calculations of the errors in the
instrumentation amplifier and the operational amplifier. The reader can also find the description of interference and noise affecting the circuit.
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Computer Science Thesis And Project On Sensor Network Data Aggregation Technique

Title: A Sensor Network Data Aggregation Technique
Department of Computer Science
Abstract: This is a Computer Science M.Sc Thesis on Existing sensor network data aggregation techniques assume that the nodes are preprogrammed and send data to a central sink for offline querying and analysis. This approach faces two major drawbacks. First, the system behavior is preprogrammed and cannot be modified on the fly. Second, the increased energy wastage due to the communication overhead will result in decreasing the overall system lifetime. Thus, energy conservation is of prime consideration in sensor network protocols in order to maximize the network’s operational lifetime. In this paper, we give an energy efficient approach to query processing by implementing new optimization techniques applied to in-network aggregation. We first discuss earlier approaches in sensors data management and highlight their disadvantages. We then present our approach and evaluate it through several simulations to prove its efficiency, competence and effectiveness.
Project Intro: One example of monitoring applications includes organizing vehicle traffic in a large city [1]. Unfortunately, sensor data is subject to several sources of errors resulting from power limitations, wireless communication, latency, throughput, and various environmental effects. Such errors may seriously impact the answer to any query posed in the network. Current production of motes are roughly 2cm x 4cm x 1cm and are equipped with a radio, a processor, memory, a small package of AA batteries, and a collection of sensors. Additionally, new nodes are not passive devices [2], they are capable of sharing, computing and combining sensor readings; therefore, they are becoming tiny computers with different functionalities. Smart-sensor devices have been developed to an extent that it is now feasible to deploy large, distributed networks of such nodes [3, 4, 5, and 6] and extracting the data from the network is an essential step for the applications to work.
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Index Keywords : Sensor Networks, Data Base, Data Fusion, Aggregation, Indexing, Energy Efficiency

M.Sc Disseratation For Mechanical Engineering On Applications to Micro-Resonators and Atomic Force Microscopy

Title / Dissertation: Advantageous Utilization of Nonlinear Phenomena in Micro-Structures and Macro-Structures: Applications to Micro-Resonators and Atomic Force Microscopy
Department/Program: Mechanical Engineering.
Project Intro: Nonlinear oscillations of beam and beam-like structures are considered in this work. The nonlinear behavior results from relatively large oscillations that exceed the range within which linear models are sufficient. This type of behavior can occur in both macro-scale and micro-scale structures. In order to study the systems examined within this work, nonlinear beam models are developed to explain the nonlinear behavior with nonlinear bending stiffness terms, nonlinear axial stretching terms, and nonlinear inertia terms. To study these spatially continuous systems, it is necessary to utilize reduced-order-models such as those with a finite number of vibration modes. After model development, an assortment of nonlinear analyses is employed to study the system behavior and stability as well as to derive approximate solutions. The discretized models are then used to numerically simulate the behavior 1 of the system so that additional studies can be conducted. Data from experimental observations are used to obtain values for the system parameters and to verify the results of the simulations.
Abstract: This is M.Sc Mechanical Engineering Thesis Within this work, the nonlinear oscillations of various beam-like structures are studied. Methods are developed to analyze systems of this type to better understand their behavior in order to utilize the nonlinear phenomena associated with them and to provide insights for device development. The specific applications explored within this study are piezoelectric micro-scale resonators, micro-resonator arrays, the cantilever probes of atomic force microscopes, and a macro-scale test apparatus for the AFM probe. In order to analytically, numerically, and experimentally study these systems, various methods are employed. Analytical models are developed, utilizing bending stiffness and axial stretching terms to explain nonlinear behavior. Reduced-order-modeling techniques are applied to develop single-mode and multi-mode approximations and study the dynamic behavior of these structures. Nonlinear analysis methods are used to study these systems and to determine approximate solutions. Discrete models are developed and utilized to conduct numerical simulations. Data collected through experimental observations are utilized to determine system parameters and verify simulation results. Through this work, a multi-variable, parametric identification scheme is developed for characterizing nonlinear oscillators from frequency-response data with jumps in the amplitude values. Parameter values are identified for piezoelectric micro-scale resonators and good agreement is seen with the corresponding model predictions. By using multiple data sets, parameter trends are studied for changes in the input signal. In another nonlinear analysis, a relationship is identified between a nonlinear localization phenomena called Intrinsic Localized Modes (ILMs) and nonlinear vibration modes. A method is developed to derive equations for determining the spatial characteristics of the localizations and the profiles are used to conduct further studies. For a cantilever beam impactor system, a period doubling phenomenon is identified for off-resonance excitation conditions. Changes in this system's response are studied and a method is proposed to utilize this phenomenon to determine conditions for grazing. This work shows how important nonlinearities are in beam structures when oscillations exceed the linear range. More importantly, these studies show how an understanding of the nonlinearities can be used to the advantage of the system.
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Keywords: Engineering, Mechanical, nonlinear oscillations, micro-structures, onlinear beam models, reduced order modeling.

M.Sc Thesis And Dissertation On Characterization of Bending Magnetostriction

Title: Characterization of Bending Magnetostriction in Iron Gallium Alloys for Nanowire Sensor Applications
M.Sc Thesis And Dissertation - Deparment Of Doctor of Philosophy on Aerospace Engineering
Abstract: This research explores the possibility of using electrochemically deposited nanowires of magnetostrictive iron-gallium (Galfenol) to mimic the sensing capabilities of biological cilia. Sensor design calls for incorporating Galfenol nanowires cantilevered from a membrane and attached to a conventional magnetic field sensor. As the wires deflect in response to acoustic, airflow, or tactile excitation, the resultant bending stresses induce changes in magnetization that due to the scale of the nanowires offer the potential for excellent spatial resolution and frequency bandwidth. In order to determine the suitability for using Galfenol nanowires in this role, the first task was experimentally characterizing magnetostrictive transduction in bending beam structures, as this means of operation has been unattainable in previous materials research due to low tensile strengths in conventional alloys such as Terfenol-D. Results show that there is an appreciable sensing response from cantilevered Galfenol beams and that this phenomenon can be accurately modeled with an energy based formulation. For progressing experiments to the nanowire scale, a nanomanipulation instrument was designed and constructed that interfaces within a scanning electron microscope and allows for real time characterization of individual wires with diameters near 100 nm. The results of mechanical tensile testing and dynamic resonance identification reveal that the Galfenol nanowires behave similarly to the bulk material with the exception of a large increase in ultimate tensile strength. The magnetic domain structure of the nanowires was theoretically predicted and verified with magnetic force microscopy. An experimental methodology was developed to observe the coupling between bending stress and magnetization that is critical for accurate sensing, and the key results indicate that specific structural modifications need to be made to reduce the anisotropy in the nanowires in order to improve the transduction capabilities. A solution to this problem is presented and final experiments are performed.
Project Intro: This research was only made possible by the nanowire fabrication e orts of our collaborators at the University of Minnesota, Professor Bethanie Stadler and her students Patrick McGary and Liwen Tan. Dr. Stadler has worked very closely with us on handling and manipulating the nanowire arrays, and I thank her for being understanding of the feedback that we have provided. She has always been very kind and supportive and I sincerely hope that she knows how much I appreciate the contributions of her and her team. Patrick and Liwen have overcome numerous obstacles in order to successfully fabricate magnetic nanowires in well ordered arrays, and without their diligence and creativity my research would never have gotten of the ground.The design, construction, and integration of the nanomanipulator instrument is a testament to the openness and generosity of Professor Rodney Ruo , formerly at Northwestern University, and his post-doctoral researcher Dmitriy Dikin. After a literature review identi ed their previous device as the perfect foundation for our intended machine, they were kind enough to host me for the day and answer every question that I had. We covered the key constraints to be wary of, the available means of data collection, some potential experimental pitfalls, even the most reliable iv part suppliers. In the end the design and implementation of our manipulator stage was made entirely possible by this visit. I thank them for going above and beyond expectations for sharing information with a fellow researcher.
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Keywords: Engineering, Aerospace, nanowire; magnetostriction; Galfenol, MFM, shape anisotropy; nanomanipulation.

M.Sc Mechanical Project And Thesis On Membrane based Evaporative Cooling using Wire Mesh Media

Title: Membrane based Dehumidification and Evaporative Cooling using Wire Mesh Media
MASTER OF SCIENCE - Department of Mechanical Engineering.
ABSTRACT: Membrane dehumidification and evaporative cooling applications have the potential to significantly improve the energy efficiency of air conditioning equipment. The use of wire mesh media in such membrane applications is feasible but has not been studied extensively. Therefore, the aim of this work is to investigate the heat and mass transfer performance of several different wire mesh media in membrane based dehumidification and evaporative cooling. There were six wire mesh membranes tested in an experimental facility. The wire mesh membranes vary with respect to percent open area, wire diameter, pore size and material. Two non-permeable, solid membranes were also tested in the facility and compared with the wire mesh membranes. The test section of the experimental facility consists of a narrow air duct and a plate apparatus. The membrane samples were fashioned into rectangular plates and installed into the test section. The plate membranes separate liquid water and air flow streams. The inlet air temperature and humidity are altered to produce condensation or evaporation at the membrane surface.The average convective heat and mass transfer coefficient of the air boundary layer is measured for each of the experimental plates. Membrane based dehumidification and evaporative cooling were accomplished using the wire mesh media. However, the wire mesh membranes did not exhibit any significant differences in their performance. The mesh plates were compared with the solid plate membranes and it was discovered that the solid plates exhibited significantly higher heat transfer coefficients during condensation conditions. This result most likely is due to the formation of large water droplets on the solid plates during condensation. The experimental data is then compared to analytical predictions of the heat and mass transfer coefficients developed from several heat transfer correlations and by invoking the heat and mass transfer analogy. The experimental data is also compared directly with the heat and mass transfer analogy. It was found that the data did not compare well with the heat and mass transfer analogy. This result is attributed to the fact that the membrane surface limits the amount of direct exposure to the gas-liquid interface.
Project Intro: Humanity has entered an age where the consumption of natural resources used in the production of energy has raised some serious concerns. Alternate and sustainable energy sources must be realized in order to address this growing issue. There has already been a significant movement within the political and scientific communities to discover alternate renewable energy sources through the emerging concept of “green” technologies. Green technology is focused on creating innovative and energy efficient solutions to curb humanities exploitation of natural resources. One of the central tenants of green technology is energy conservation. By creating devices and products which expend less electrical energy it follows that fewer natural resources will be consumed. It would be of great benefit to pursue green technologies for air conditioning equipment given its high usage of electrical energy. One possible avenue for green ideas applied to air conditioning equipment is found in membrane technology. More specifically, the ideas of membrane based dehumidification and evaporative cooling have great potential to create energy saving solutions for air conditioning equipment. 
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Computer Thesis On Runtime Enforcement of Memory Safety ( C Language)

Title: Runtime Enforcement of Memory Safety for the C Programming Language
ABSTRACT: Memory access violations are a leading source of unreliability in C programs. Although the low-level features of the C programming language, like unchecked pointer arithmetic and explicit memory management, make it a desirable language for many programming tasks, their use often results in hard-to-detect memory errors. As evidence of this problem, a variety of methods exist for retrofitting C with software checks to detect memory errors at runtime. However, these techniques generally suffer from one or more practical drawbacks that have thus far limited their adoption. These weaknesses include the inability to detect all spatial and temporal violations, the use of incompatible metadata, the need for manual code modifications, and the tremendous runtime cost of providing complete safety. This dissertation introduces MemSafe, a compiler analysis and transformation for ensuring the memory safety of C programs at runtime while avoiding the above draw-backs. MemSafe makes several novel contributions that improve upon previous work and lower the runtime cost of achieving memory safety. These include (1) a method for modeling temporal errors as spatial errors, (2) a hybrid metadata representation that combines the most salient features of both object- and pointer-based approaches, and (3) a data-flow representation that simplifies optimizations for removing unneeded checks and unused metadata.
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Project Intro: This dissertation shows that an automatic compiler analysis and transformation technique is capable of ensuring the memory safety of C programs at runtime. A program is transformed such that it detects spatial and temporal memory errors before they occur, while remaining compatible with existing code and requiring lower runtime overhead than similar techniques. The motivation and contributions of this research are outlined below.


ABSTRACT: The Internet has turned out to be an appealing place for doing business, with its unprecedented ability to bring together a large number of buyers and sellers, cover a wide scale of market and automate transaction processes, etc. However, this powerful technology of information transformation brings a greater trust problem than corresponding transactions in brick-and-mortar markets, because of the lack of information on product quality and seller honesty. Product information may be selectively disclosed, which increases the chance of fraud and dishonest behaviors. This research focuses on online feedback systems. Analytical models are developed to assess the impact of such feedback systems. Feedback systems, by themselves, are shown to work under certain conditions even in an ideal environment. Influences from incentives for providing feedback, shilling and ID changing are comprehensively discussed. If consumers do value trust, one should expect the more trustworthy sellers to generate higher prices for their products than the less trustworthy sellers. A higher price can offer incentives for sellers to be trustworthy. Following the analytical model, empirical tests of online feedback system are conducted. 
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Project Intro: The benefits from online markets have been studied extensively. Bakos (1997) examined electronic market and search costs. He claims that creating an electronic market can help lower a buyer’s cost of acquiring information on price and product characteristics. By lowering search costs, a seller’s ability to extract monopolistic profits is reduced. Buyers enjoy lower prices due to increased competition, better information on product offerings and lower search costs. Bakos (1991) suggested electronic markets may reduce transaction costs. The ability to post and receive prices on electronic markets and to post product information from several buyers and sellers may reduce asset specificity by providing alternative uses for productive assets. 
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ABSTRACT: This paper describes the implementation of a low cost PC - based logic system suitable for either small scale chip or printed circuit board testing. The system incorporates a flexible graphical user interface(GUI) which permits users with little or no programming expertise to generate tests and operate the system quickly and efficiently. System cost is of the order of £1,000 which makes it very attractive to SME's.
Project INTRO: In any manufacturing industry there are continuous efforts to effect cost reductions, upgrade quality and improve overall efficiencies. In the electronics industry, with the dramatic increase in circuit complexity and the need for higher levels of reliability, a major contributory cost of any product can be in the testing. However, in the real world we have to recognise that no process can be perfect, so that testing, and in particular, automatic testing, will be an essential part of production for the foreseeable future. In this paper the development of a prototype digital functional IC tester is described. The test system has been designed so that the end user has total control over how testing of IC's is to be carried out. The end user will have the ability to change or redefine pin connections of any IC within the data bank, alter test vectors previously defined, specify the master clock period, carry out simulated testing, check the contents of the data base and obtain information on the PC 8255 I/O Card set-up.The test system has been developed to allow for a more detailed examination of how IC's operate for particular functional tests. To date all test systems on the market (except for extremely expensive ATE)only inform the end user whether the device under test (DUT) has passed or failed their own predefined test. This gap in the market has called for this prototype tester.
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Finance Project And Thesis On Empirical Essays In Corporate

Abstract: This is Finance Project And Thesis. About this Project thesis. Over the past twenty years, write-offs have grown in popularity. With the increased usage of write-offs, it is becoming more important to understand the mechanisms behind why companies take write-offs and how write-offs affect company performance. In this paper, I examine the cross-sectional determinants of the decision to take write-offs. I use a hand-collected dataset on write-offs that is much more comprehensive than existing write-off datasets. Contrary to much hype and scandals surrounding a few write-offs, I find that quality of governance is positively related to write-off decisions in the cross-section. My results also suggest that poor governance companies wait to take write-offs until it becomes inevitable, while well-monitored companies take write-offs sooner. As a result, the charge is substantially larger than the average write-off charge. When these poor governance companies announce write-offs, the announcement generates negative abnormal returns. However, when good corporate governance companies announce write-offs, the charge is substantially smaller than the average charge. These well-monitored companies take write-offs immediately following a problem. Following the write-off announcements of these types of companies, average announcement day effects exceed a positive six percent. These results suggest that companies with quality monitoring mechanisms use write-offs in a manner that is consistent with enhancing shareholder value. 
Brief Intro : In this paper, I examine why companies take write-offs and how the market reacts to write-off announcements; for this analysis, I use a carefully collected dataset of consumer manufacturing companies, focusing on asset and lay-off based write-offs. I characterize what defines good and bad write-offs, and analyze the characteristics of companies that take different types of write-offs. Finally, I examine the shareholder wealth effects of write-offs, and whether firm specific factors influence the market’s reaction to the write-off announcement. I find that the write-off decision is linked to industry shocks. Governance mechanisms also 1 affect the write-off decision. Companies with high pay-performance sensitivity, desirable board composition, strong shareholder protection measures, and CEO turnover resulting in an external replacement are all significantly correlated to a tendency to take write-offs. I find a negative relationship between governance quality and the size of write-offs, which suggests that poorly monitored companies wait to take write-offs and continue to accumulate problems. Eventually the problems become so large that a write-off is inevitable. Conversely, well-monitored companies take write-offs sooner. Since these companies act quickly, there is comparatively less that they can write-off, so the charges of well-monitored companies are less than the charges of poorly monitored companies. I also find that these well-monitored companies exhibit significant positive announce- ment effects (upwards of six percent for write-off companies with small boards, strong shareholder protection, and large percentage of outside directors. I conclude from these results that firms with effective monitoring mechanisms take value-enhancing write-offs. The paper is constructed as follows. Section II reviews the relevant literature. I describe my sample in Section III. Section IV examines the link between CEO turnover, pay-performance sensitivity, corporate governance, and the write-off decision. Section V looks at how the market reacts to write-off announcements. Section VII concludes. Appendix A discusses the tax issues related to write-offs. 
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Master Of Science Mechanical Engineering Thesis On EXPERIMENTS IN ROBOT FORMATION CONTROL

This is Master Of Science (Mechanical Engineering) Project And Thesis
Abstract: In this thesis, several algorithms and experiments involving the control of robot formations are presented. The algorithms used were focused on decentralized control. The experiments were implemented on two di erent experimental testbeds consisting of teams of wheeled mobile robots. The robots used are described along with their sensors and supporting hardware. Also, there is a discussion of the programming framework used to build the control software. The rst control algorithm and experiment uses a robust consensus tracking algorithm to control a formation of robots to track a desired trajectory. The robots must maintain the correct formation shape while the formation follows the trajectory. This task is complicated by limited communication between the robots, and disturbances applied to the information exchange. Additionally, only a subset of the robots have access to the reference trajectory. In the second experiment, the same algorithm was re-implemented in a decentralized way, which more e ectively demonstrated the goals of the algorithm. The second algorithm involves controlling a formation of robots without a global reference frame. In order to accomplish this, the formation description is reformulated into variables describing the relative positions of the robots, and vision-based measurements are used for control. A homography-based technique is used to determine the relative positions of the robots using a single camera. Then a consensus tracking controller similar to the one used previously is used to distribute the measured information to all of the robots. This is done despite the fact that di erent parts of the information are measured by di erent agents.
Overview: As robots become ever more useful in today’s society, the demand for them to do more continues to grow. Some of the potential applications of robots do not always require a single, incredibly complex robot. Instead, sometimes, a task can be best achieved by a team of simpler robots working together. These teams working together in the real world present several new and interesting challenges. Working together requires communication and coordination that can be di cult in real environments. Because of the challenges and
potential bene ts, control of teams of robots is an active area of research. As new theories are developed for coordination and control of teams of robots, experiments need to be done to evaluate their e ectiveness.
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Java Project On Simple Railway Reservation

Title: Simple Railway Reservation in JAVA (Computer Project)
This is a Java Project with Code. This is a Computer Science And IT Project. This project includes as follows:
This is a simple railway reservation program in JAVA to:
  • Book ticket
  • Cancel ticket
  • Display reservation chart
  • Search passenger number and etc.
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Keywords: Java Projects, Java Project With Code, Computer Science Java Projects, IT Projects

EEE Project Report And Paper Presentation on Wireless Power Transmission

Title: Wireless Power Transmission via Solar Power Satellite
This is a EEE And Electronics Project And Paper Presentation
Brief Intro & Abstract: A major problem facing Planet Earth is provision of an adequate supply of clean energy. It has been that we face “...three simultaneous challenges -- population growth, resource consumption, and environmental degradation -- all converging particularly in the matter of sustainable energy supply.” It is widely agreed that our current energy practices will not provide for all the world's peoples in an adequate way and still leave our Earth with a livable environment. Hence, a major task for the new century will be to develop sustainable and environmentally friendly sources of energy.Projections of future energy needs over this new century show an increase by a factor of at least two and one Half, perhaps by as much as a factor of five. All of the scenarios from reference 3 indicate continuing use of fossil sources, nuclear, and large hydro. However, the greatest increases come from "new renewables" and all scenarios show extensive use of these sources by 2050. Indeed, the projections indicate that the amount of energy derived from new renewables by 2050 will exceed that presently provided by oil and gas combined. This would imply a major change in the world’s energy infrastructure. It will be a Herculean task to acquire this projected amount of energy. This author asserts that there are really only a few good options for meeting the additional energy needs of the new century in an environmentally acceptable way.The vision of achieving WPT on a global scale was proposed over 100 years ago when Nikola Tesla first started experiments with WPT, culminating with the construction of a tower for WPT on Long Island, New York, in the early 1900s. Tesla's objective was to develop the technology for transmitting electricity to anywhere in the world without wires. He filed several patents describing wireless power transmitters and receivers. However, his knowledge of electrical phenomena was largely empirical and he did not achieve his objective of WPT, although he was awarded the patent for wireless radio in 1940.
                                    The development of WPT was not effectively pursued until the 1960s when the U.S. Air Force funded the development of a microwave-powered helicopter platform. A successful demonstration of a microwave beam-riding helicopter was performed in 1965. This demonstration proved that a WPT system could be constructed and that effective microwave generators and receivers could be developed for efficient conversion of microwaves into DC electricity.
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ECE Seminar Topic And Project Report On Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Images Coding

Title: Performance Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Images Coding Using Shape Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transform
Abstract: Region based coding is an important feature in today’s image coding techniques as it follows different regions of the image will be encoded at different bit rates and hence at different qualities rather than encoding the entire image with a single quality constraints. This paper evaluates the features of using Shape Adaptive Wavelet Transform for the region based coding of the brain magnetic resonance images, in which the brain part will be encoded with more importance than the background. Shape Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transform (SA-DWT) can transform the regions of interest and the background on the images independently and the coefficients can be encoded by using the SPIHT coding at different levels. This algorithm was compared with the existing wavelet based coding techniques and a better PSNR was achieved for the same bit rate by reconstructing the region of interest with high quality than the background.
                                      Brief Intro: Recent advances in medical imaging technology lead to a tremendous increase in the use of volumetric medical images for diagnosis. As a result, huge volume of medical image data is generated in hospitals everyday and these needs to be stored for diagnosis and future follow up. Also in telemedicine, there is a need for the transmission of medical images for off-site consultation and diagnosis at faster rate with minimumbandwidth. Hence the compression of medical images plays a vital role for effective storage and transmission. Lossy compression schemes are not generally used for medical image compression so as to avoid any loss of clinically significant information, which may affect diagnosis. Region based compression can provide a better solution for this by coding the regions of interest with lossless coding and the background lossy. Such hybrid schemes can give better compression compared to the lossless schemes and also maintain the quality of the image.
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Index Keywords: Medical Image compression, Magnetic Resonance Images Coding, Shape adaptive wavelet transform, SPIHT coding.

Computer Systems Efficient key distribution in Cryptography

Title: Efficient key distribution in free space quantum cryptography.
Abstract: Quantum cryptography is a secure data communication system with demonstrable intrinsic eavesdropping detection. All quantum cryptographic models are adaptations of the Vernan cipher (one-time pad), which is the only mathematically proven cryptographic method resilient to quantum computer attacks. The main hindrance facing the development of quantum cryptography is concerned with key transmission rate. Key distribution is an intrinsic part of the Vernan cipher. The system consists of typically a key distributor (Alice) and a key recipient (Bob) [see diagram below]. The data that Alice sends Bob that is received by Bob becomes the key. For free space systems using the Vernan cipher, key transfer rates have not yet exceeded 10 kilobits per second. This deficiency is partly due to quantum mechanics but mainly affected by physical limitations in equipment. Numerous quantum cryptographic protocols exist. The most efficient commercially viable free space protocol is B92 (Bennett, C.H.; 1992). This encodes qubits into two non-orthogonally polarized states. Signal attenuation can be as high as 99.7% with a theoretical minimum of 50%. This has dramatic ramifications on key transfer limitations. The problem of transmission rate then becomes dependent primarily upon the rate of raw data Alice attempts to communicate. Using the B92 protocol with an optimal signal attenuation of 98.75% the device designed is capable of transferring a key up to 1 Megabit per second. This goes several orders of magnitude beyond existing systems. 

The increase is due to an active quenching circuit that stops the photon detector (avalanche photodiode) from saturating. It is intended that by the time of publication, an increase in the existing limitation will be demonstrated, although theoretically I have demonstrated it is possible to attain a key rate of up to a Gigabit per second using current technology.
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Computer Systems Engineering Thesis Project On Palm Pilot Infrared

Title: Palm Pilot Infrared(IR) for Secure Electronic Transactions.
Abstract: This is Computer System Engineering Thesis Project. In the digital age, personal digital assistants are taking on greater significance in our lives, and as they get more powerful, we find them creating a convergence of all digital devices. However, even in this electronic society, we are still required to carry around pieces of laminated paper and plastic to identify whom we are and what we’re allowed to do. This project aims to do away with wallet full of cards and vouchers and replace it with electronic authorization. This project has implemented secure transactions using a Palm Pilot and its infrared transceiver, allowing the sending and receiving of “e-cards” which contain confidential and verifiable data that identify a person and more. The software for this was written in Java, allowing cross-platform usage. With such a large and growing range of electronic organisers available, almost all with infrared support, this project allows for a cheap and readily available infrastructure designed to remove the necessity of the wallet.

The software for the Palm runs on Java 2 Micro Edition, a cutback form of Java, and is currently executing on a Palm m100 handheld. The server software runs on Java 2 Standard Edition, so may run on almost any computer with an infrared port, and currently runs on a PC with a serial connected infrared transceiver. Data is sent wirelessly using the Object Exchange protocol and is encrypted with the Triple Digital Encryption Standard (Triple-DES). Triple-DES is the current standard for encryption and is recognised as extremely secure. However, the project does not attempt to undertake the issuing of the software and e-cards, as the scope would be too great.
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Computer Science Project On Reconfigurable Secure Image Coding

Abstract: In this paper, we proposed a reconfigurable secure image codec based on the Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) processor. Either, use of image coding with DWT or encryption using AES is well known. However, linking these two designs to achieve secure image coding is leading. The prominent feature of this method is a partial encryption of bass frequency (LL bands) by AES-128 (128-bit keys), or AES-192 or AES-256. Our approach provides considerable levels of security (key size, partial encryption, encryption mode), and has very limited adverse impact on the compression efficiency. The proposed codec can provide up to 9 cipher schemes within a reasonable software cost. Correlation, PSNR and compression rate results from these codec are analyzed. 
Brief Intro: In the digital world nowadays, the security of digital images/videos becomes more and more important since the communications of digital products over network occur more and more frequently. Since digital video transmission system usually includes a compression module that aims to reduce the transmitted bit rate, the cryptography techniques have to be carefully designed to avoid potential adverse impact on the compression efficiency, and on the functionalists that the compression format provides. The past decade, several efforts have developed image-video encryption schemes for secure information transfer. These techniques can be classified into three types according to the target data selected from compression stages. The first one is named “Spatial Domain” schemes, which apply encryption to the original information directly like. The second scheme is named “Bit stream Domain”, which encrypts the code words of compressed Bit stream like. To reduce the amount of processing overhead, the third schemes as know “Frequency Domain” has been proposed, which utilize the results of DCT or DWT transformation and quantization stages of compression process. To deal with the amount of codec performance and intensive computation given by security mechanisms, this paper proposes a secure image codec configurable. We have proposed our codec by synthesis of the JPEG200 codec and the JPEG Codec.
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Index Keywords: AES, Band LL, DWT, Partial Encryption, Security Levels.

MBA Seminar Project Report On Working Capital Management

This is a MBA Project On Working Capital Management is an art of anticipating and preparing for risks, uncertainties and overcoming obstacles. An essential recondition for sound and consistent assets management is establishing the sound and consistent assets management policies covering fixed as well as current assets. In modern financial management, efficient allocation of funds has a great scope, in finance and profit planning, for the most effective utilization of enterprise resources, the fixed and current assets have to be combined in optimum proportions.Working capital in simple terms means the amount of funds that a company requires for financing its day-to-day operations. Finance manager should develop sound techniques of managing current assets.
OBJECTIVES: 1) To identify the financial strengths & weakness of the company.
2) Through the net profit ratio & other profitability ratio, understand the
profitability of the company. 3) Evaluating company s performance relating to financial statement analysis. 4) To know the liquidity position of the company with the help of current ratio. 5) To find out the utility of financial ratio in credit analysis & determining the financial capacity of the firm.
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Projects, Thesis, Final Year Projects, IT, MBA, Seminar

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