Projects, Thesis, Final Year Projects, IT, MBA, Seminar

Seminar Topic And PPT On Morphalogical Image Processing For IT

TheMorphological image processing is generally based on the analysis of atwo valued image interms of certain predetermined geometricshape known asstructuring element. Theterm morphology refersto the branch of biologythat deals with the formand structure of animalsand plants.A very wellsuited approach for extracting significantfeatures from images thatare useful in therepresentation and description of regionshapes is morphological(shape-based) processing.Morphological processing refers tocertain operations wherean object is Hit or Fitwith structuring elementsand thereby reduced to amore revealing shape.These structuringelements are shape primitives which aredeveloped to representsome aspect of theinformation or the noise.By applying thesestructuring elements tothe data using differentalgebraic combinations,one performsmorphologicaltransformations on thedata.TheMorphological ImageProcessing operations areapplied for binary images in FORENSICS :
FingerprintEnhancement andreduction of noisein finger printimages.

Projects, Thesis, Final Year Projects, IT, MBA, Seminar

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