Mobile Computing is a generic term describing your ability to use technology 'untethered', that is not physically connected, or in remote or mobile (non static) environments. The term is evolved in modern usage such that it requires that the mobile computing activity be connected wirelessly to and through the internet or to and through a private network. Migration is important for survival. Mobility originated from the desire to move either toward resources or away from scarcity. They are computing capabilities may be used while they are moving. Mobile computing is about both physical and logical computing entities that move Physical entities are computers that change locations, Logical entities are instances of a running user application or a mobile agent. Eg: laptops,personal digital assistance(PDA`S)
Projects, Thesis, Final Year Projects, IT, MBA, Seminar
Wonders Of Nano Technology And Techniques
The term ‘nanotechnology’ encompasses a huge range of activities. 'Nano’ is used in the world of science to mean one billionth. E.g. a nanometer is a billionth of a metre. A nanometer is only ten atoms across! So generally nanotechnology is used to mean technology at the nanometer level. Nanotechnology attempts to achieve something useful through the manipulation of matter at this level.To put it more formally, the Royal Society use the following definition: “Nanotechnologies are the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at nanometer scale.”
NANO TECHNOLOGY And Applications Paper Presentation
The term nanotechnology has been a combination of two terms,”nano”and “technology”. The term nano is derived from a Greek word “nanos” which means “dwarf”. Thus nanotechnology is dwarf technology. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Our President A.P.J.Abdul Kalam being a scientist made a note about this technology that nanotechnology would give us an opportunity, if we take appropriate and timely action to become one of the important technological nations in the world. The main application of nanotechnology is cryonics. Cryonics is nothing but an attempt of raising the dead. Cryonics is not a widespread medical practice and viewed with skepticism by most scientists and doctors today.
Honeypots are an exciting new technology.In the past several years there has been growing interest in exactly what this technology is and how it works. The purpose of this paper is to introduce you to honeypots and demonstrate their capabilities. A honeypot is a security resource whose value lies in being probed, attacked, or compromised. The key point with this definition is honeypots are not limited to solving only one problem; they have a number of different applications. To better understand the value of honeypots, we can break them down into two different categories:
NETWORK SECURITY Paper Presentation And Seminar Topics For IT and CSE
Firewall is a network element with multiple interfaces. As traffic moves through the firewall it is screened or inspected for specific characteristics that match the firewall policy. This policy specifies allowed traffic that can pass. Firewalls come in different flavors: the most important classification is in the way the firewall works - some operate on the network or packet level, whilst others operate on the application level. Most current approaches combine the best characteristics of both approaches.A firewall is mandatory for any connection with a potentially hostile network, such as the Internet or any semi-public network.You can use a firewall to enhance your site's security in a number of ways. The most straightforward use of a firewall is to create "internal site", one that is accessible only to computers within your own local area network. If this is what you want to do, then all you need to do is to place the server INSIDE the firewall:
1. What is cryptography?
2. How cryptography works?· Encryption· Decryption· Cryptographic Process Notation 3. Ciphers· Types of cipher· DES Algorithm· RSA Algorithm Secure protocols 1. Transport Layer Secure Protocol 2. Secure Sockets Layer Protocol
Network Security is one of the most researched domains in the computer world. Literally, a network refers to an interconnection of several things. Things can be HTTP servers or beads in a necklace. In computer terminology a network refers to an interconnection of computers or other devices for the primary purpose of exchanging data. For the first few decades of their existence, computer networks were primarily used by university researchers for sending e-mail, and by corporate employees for sharing printers. Under these conditions, security did not get lot of attention. But now, as millions of ordinary citizens are using networks for banking, shopping, and filing their tax returns, the growth of internet has brought network security into prominence. With thousands of persons trying to gain unauthorized entry into the networks with malafide intentions, network security has grown into a potentially massive problem and it has become a necessity to safeguard networks from such attacks. Network security is a broad topic and covers a large number of disciplines like firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, encryption, authentication etc…
There are many aspects to security and many applications, Ranging from secure commerce and payments to private communications and protecting passwords. One essential aspect for Secure communications is that of cryptography. Cryptography is the science of writing in secret code and is an ancient art. The first documented use of cryptography in writing dates back to circa 1900 B.C. when an Egyptian scribe used non-standard hieroglyphs in an inscription. In data and telecommunications, cryptography is necessary when communicating over any untrusted medium, which includes just about any network, particularly the Internet.
“NETWORK SECURITY” which means protecting the network from intruders. Then we have given an outline for the needs of network security and its attributes. A Pwdump is a tool for Network manager which means ‘a password recovery tool’ and a brief description about LSASS. A brief description about “NEW TECHNOLOGY LAN MANAGER” which is a protocol for Network authentication has been given. An outline for the needs and attributes of Network security has been discussed. NTLM and a brief description about security precautions to be taken for strong complex passwords have been given. Password recovery means getting back the forgotten password which is essential for accessing the Network. Password cracking extracts password hashes from the registry whether or not SYSKEY is enabled on the system.
Java is an object-oriented programming language which allows the same program to be executed on multiple operating systems, with a built-in support for using computer networks and can also be designed to execute code from remote sources securely. This paper presents how Java technology is being implemented in robots, which can see, hear, speak and move.The word robot is used to refer to a wide range of machines, the common feature of which is that they are all capable of movement and can be used to perform physical tasks.Java technology offers an array of Application Programming Interface (API) specially made to the needs of the robotics domain. The Java speech Application Programming Interface (JSAPI) lets the user to build command and control recognizers, dictation systems and speech synthesizers and the Java media framework is used to receive and process virtual images.
Robotics And Its Application Seminar Report And PPT Presentation
A robot person who works mechanically without original thought, especially one who responds automatically to the commands of others. The applications include toxic waste cleanup, underwater and space exploration, mining, search and rescue, and mine finding. Robots use analog sensors for recognizing real-world objects and digital computers. Simple wheeled robots were used to conduct experiments in behavior, navigation, and path planning for their direction. A ludo bot is an instance of a social robot dedicated to entertainment and companionship.These navigation techniques have now developed into commercially available autonomous robot control systems.
Security Firewalls Paper Presentation And Seminar Topics For IT And CSE
Most corporate environments have deployed firewall to block access to internal data and computing resources from untrusted hosts and limit access to untrusted hosts from inside. According to one description firewall is “A combination of hardware and software that intercepts data between the internet and your computer .It is the TCP/IP equivalent of a security gate at the entrance of your company.All data traffic must pass through it and the firewall there only authorizes data or people to pass into the network facility.” Typical corporate fire wall is a strong security perimeter around the employees who coloborate within the corporation .It is usually located at a higher-level gateway such as a site’s connection to the internet.
Security Through Digital Signatures Paper Presentation And Power Point
Digital signatures are an analog of handwritten signatures. Handwritten signatures are based on the physically idiosyncratic way of signing one's name. But they can be easily forged. A digital signature is a mathematically precise way of attaching one's identity to a message. It is much harder to forge than a handwritten signature, and the signed message cannot be altered without also invalidating the signature. A digital signature provides verification to a recipient that a signed file is actually sent by the sender, and is not altered after it is signed.Digital signatures rely on public key cryptography. Public key cryptography is an asymmetric scheme that uses a pair of keys for encryption: a public key, which encrypts data, and a corresponding private, or secret key for decryption. You publish your public key to the world while keeping your private key secret. Anyone with a copy of your public key can then encrypt information that only you can read. Even people you have never met.
NETWORK SECURITY AND PROTOCOLS Paper Presentation And Seminar Topics
Using Character Recognition and Segmentation to Tell Computer from Humans
Work on distinguishing computers from human’s traces back to the original Turing Test [1] which asks that a human distinguish between another human and a machine by asking questions of both. Recent interest has turned to developing systems that allow a computer to distinguish between another computer and a human to enable the construction of automatic filters to prevent automated scripts from utilizing services intended for humans. Such systems have been termed Human Interactive Proofs (HIPs) or Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHAs) An overview of the work in this area can be found in.The CMU CAPTCHA project and the work at PARC are presently the most advanced of these efforts and include various text recognition, visual pattern recognition, image processing, and audio recognition challenges. Construction of HIPs that are of practical value is difficult because it is not sufficient to develop challenges at which humans are somewhat more successful than machines.
VECTOR STEGANOGRAPHY Paper Presentation And Power Point For CSE
Steganography is any "technique of hiding secret messages within other media, so that to all eyes but those of the sender and intended receiver, no secret message appears to be present." This paper focuses on the more challenging problem of reliably hiding messages within vector data. Vector formats are used extensively by Geographic Information Systems. They use sequences of coordinates to represent points, lines, and regional boundaries on a map. Vector steganography is mainly used to protect intellectual property. It requires
more effort to produce GIS data,but once it is released in an electronic format, it's easy for somebody to copy it and re-use it without the developers permission. By "watermarking" vector data with a hidden copyright message or signature there exists the chance of detecting and demonstrating commercial re-use of that data.
Virtual Reality Documentation Paper Presentation And Seminar Topics
Virtual Reality (VR) was just a dream a few short years ago. Now integrating sound, vision and feel it is allowing us to design, repair and be entertained in a way that used to be science fiction. Virtual Reality is developing fast and we want to see the latest developments. By most, Virtual Reality or VR has been thought to be purely immersive reality, which is expensive simulation like the ones used for flight simulation and high priced gaming simulations. But in reality VR is all around us and many might not even know it. VR comes in all shapes and sizes. our computer and we video games are tools to view VR. Yes even those simple games you play are a form of VR. The internet alone is one of the biggest sources of VR, full of VR malls (online malls, like ebay), 3D animations, even the pictures we see on the internet are all forms of VR. Today, 'Virtual Reality' is used in a variety of ways and often in a confusing and misleading manner. Originally, the term referred to 'Immersive Virtual Reality.By means of special VR equipment . But there is also non-immersive VR like VRML .the equipment virtual reality is also a different one some of the examples are head mount displays, sensors, hand gloves, voice recognition systems etc.
Web Document Clusturing Paper Presentation And Power Point
The system consists of four components:
1. A Web document-restructuring scheme that identifies different document parts, and assigns levels of significance to these parts according to their importance.
2. A novel phrase-based document indexing model, the Document Index Graph (DIG) that captures the structure of sentences in the document set, rather than single words only. The DIG model is based on graph theory and utilizes graph properties to match any-length phrase from a document to any number of previously seen documents in a time nearly proportional to the number of words of the document.
3. A phrase-based similarity measure for scoring the similarity between two documents according to the matching phrases and their significance.
4. An incremental document clustering method based on maintaining high cluster cohesiveness.
The integration of these four components proved to be of superior performance to traditional document clustering methods. WEB TECHNOLOGY Paper Presentation And Seminor Topics For CSE
The semantic web is the next generation web containing action-able information i.e. information derived from data through a semantic theory so that it can be processed directly and indirectly by machines. It is a project that intends to create a universal medium for information exchange by putting documents with computer-processable meaning (semantics) on the World Wide Web. The Semantic Web extends the Web through the use of standards, markup languages and related processing tools. The Semantic Web is a project aimed to make web pages understandable by computers, so that they can search websites and perform actions in a standardized way.
Web Technology And LAMP Technology Paper Presentation And PPT Seminar Topics
One of the great "secrets" of almost all websites (aside from those that publish static .html pages) is that behind the scenes, the web server is actually just one part of a two or three tiered application server system. In the open source world, this explains the tremendous popularity of the Linux-Apache-My SQL-PHP (LAMP) environment. LAMP provides developers with a traditional two tiered application development platform. There is a database, and a "smart" web server able to communicate with the database. Clients only talk to the web server , while the web server transparently talks to the database when required. The following diagram illustrates how a typical LAMP server works.
Wi Max And Wi Max Technology Paper Presentation And Seminar Topics For ECE
Wi-MAX is short for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, and it also goes by the IEEE name 802.16. WiMAX has the potential to do to broadband Internet access what cell phones have done to phone access. In the same way that many people have given up their "land lines" in favor of cell phones, WiMAX could replace cable and DSL services, providing universal Internet access just about anywhere you go. Wi-MAX delivers a point-to-multipoint architecture, making it an ideal method for carriers to deliver broadband to locations where wired connections would be difficult or costly. It may also provide a useful solution for delivering broadband to rural areas where high-speed lines have not yet become available. A WiMax connection can also be bridged or routed to a standard wired or wireless Local Area Network (LAN).
An Approach to Fault- Tolerance And Fraud-Detection for Wireless Appliances In Mobile Communication Paper Presentation
It is estimated that the mobile communications industry loses several million customers per year due to fraud. Therefore, prevention and early detection of fraudulent activity is an important goal for network operators. It is clear that the additional security measures taken in GSM and in the future UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) make these networks less vulnerable to fraud than the analogue networks. The use of sophisticated fraud detection techniques can assist in early detection of commercial frauds, and will also reduce the effects of technical frauds. Due to the rapid progress of wireless communication technology, there is a growing demand for accessing data by wireless systems .Mobility is one important characteristic of wireless systems .Each wireless user (mobile node) may change its location several times during the execution of its data service. To avoid interrupting the ongoing data session, The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has defined Mobile IP as one which enables wireless users to maintain ongoing data sessions without interruption while changing locations.
Wi MAX Technology - Future Wireless Paper Presentation And Project
1. How does WiMAX work?
2. WiMAX mesh network.
3. Other Technologies competing WiMAX.
4. Applications of WiMAX.
5. WiMAX in India.
6. WiMAX World.
WiMAX or Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, based on the IEEE 802.16 standard, is expected to enable true broadband speeds over wireless networks at a cost point to enable mass market adoption. WiMAX is the only wireless standard today that has the ability to deliver true broadband speeds and help make the vision of pervasive connectivity a reality.There are two main applications of WiMAX today: fixed WiMAX applications are point-to-multipoint enabling broadband access to homes and businesses, whereas mobile WiMAX offers the full mobility of cellular networks at true broadband speeds. Both fixed and mobile applications of WiMAX are engineered to help deliver ubiquitous, high-throughput broadband wireless services at a low cost.It has emerged as the most promising wide-area wireless broadband technology in a short span of time. The technology is being adopted in a number of markets and is poised for dramatic growth in India as well. As it can cover relatively long distances, WiMAX has the potential to serve everything from low-density residential applications to enterprise customers. Many companies are closely examining WiMAX for "last mile" connectivity at high data rates. This could result in lower pricing for both home and business customers as competition lowers prices.
WiMax Innovation Technology - Power Point And Paper Presentation
What is WiMAX? How WiMAX Works? What Can WiMAX Do?
Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) has been serving enterprises and operators for years, to the great satisfaction of its users. However, the new IP-based standard developed by the IEEE 802.16 is likely to accelerate adoption of the technology. It will expand the scope of usage thanks to: the possibility of operating in licensed and unlicensed frequency bands, unique performance under Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) conditions, Quality of Service (QoS) awareness, Extension to nomadicity, and more. The purpose of this White Paper is to highlight and assess the value of WiMAX as the right solution to: extend the currently limited coverage of public WLAN (hotspots) to citywide coverage (hot zones) the same technology being usable at home and on the move, blanket metropolitan areas for mobile data-centric service delivery, offer fixed broadband access in urban and suburban areas where copper quality is poor or Unbundling difficult, bridge the digital divide in low-density areas where technical and economic factors make broadband deployment very challenging. In addition to these uses, this paper will highlight other potential applications, such as telephony or an effective point-to-multipoint backhaulingsolution for operators or enterprises.
WiMax The Next Broadband Wireless Revolution Paper Presentation And Power Point
WiMax (worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is the recently approved IEEE 802.16 wireless metropolitan area network (MAN) standard for wireless access. WiMax is the real wireless architecture by which the wireless access range can extended to 49.6Kms compared with Wi-Fi 91mts and Bluetooth’s 9mts. WiMax 802.16 has a single carrier modulation scheme that operates between 10GHz and 66GHz radio frequency and requires line of sight towers for the connection to work. The new ratified 802.16a extension uses a lower frequency range of 2GHz to 11GHz, and does not require line of sight towers. It also boasts 70Mbps data transfer rate that can support thousands of users.
WiMAX AND SECURITY Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic For IT
WiMAX is a term meaning worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX). Its purpose is to ensure that the broadband wireless radios manufactured for customer use interoperate from vendor to vendor.
The primary advantages of the WiMAX standard are to enable the adoption of advanced radio features in a uniform fashion and reduce costs for all of the radios made by companies who are part of the WiMAX Forum"--- a standards body formed to ensure interoperability via testing.
20th CENTURY ROBOTS Paper Presentation And Seminar
The focus of Robotic manufacturing technology is to minimize the capital investment by increasing flexibility.Robot is an electro-mechanical device that can perform autonomous or preprogrammed tasks.Robotics is the science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, and application. Robotics requires a working knowledge of electronics, mechanics, and software and a person working in the field has become known as a roboticist.Here in this paper we will discuss about the definition and different types.This paper gives the origin of robots.This paper tells you about the robots in 20th century and their uses.Here we will discuss about how the robots are used in space and also about the robots in future. We would like to present how the man is utilizing the resources wisely and up to the mark, how the robots replace the humans in future.
Augmented Reality Paper Presentation And PPT PDF
Computers are becoming increasingly portable and ubiquitous, as recent progress in hardware technology has produced computers that are small enough to carry easily or even to wear. However, these computers often referred to as PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) or palmtops are not suitable for traditional user-interface techniques such as the desk-top metaphor or the WIMP (window, icon, mouse, and a pointing device) interface. The fundamental limitations of GUIs are: Explicit operations, Unaware of the real world situations, Gaps between the computer world and the real world. Inorder to address these problems, a research field called computer augmented environments has been emerged. Augmented reality (AR) is a variant of virtual reality that uses see-through head mounted displays to overlay computer generated images on the user's real sight. AR systems currently developed use only locational information to generate images. This is because the research focus of AR is currently on implementing correct registration of 3D images on a real scene. However, by incorporating other external factors such as real world IDs, the usefulness of AR could be much more improved.
BIOMETRICS - Paper Presentation And PPT Abstract
we are facing majority of crimes related to security issues and these arise due to the leakage of passwords or illegal authentication. At one end, there is a continuous and tremendous improvement in the life style of humans while at the other end ; the technological crimes are increasing rapidly. As there is a problem, there must be a solution .The need for a compromising technology which can be adopted is highly imperative .Technologies capable of identifying
each person uniquely need to be developed. The only powerful solution for the problem of illegal authentication is biometrics. Nature has made human beings with different characteristics which may vary from one person to another .This property is made use of Biometric Technology to distinctly identify each person. Biometrics is a means of using the physiological or behavioral characteristics of a person as a kind of permanent password. This paper includes about biometrics, its operation and performance and comparison among biometric categories. Its applications in RETINAL SCAN and in FIGER AUTHENTICATION.
3G Networks And Network Protocols Paper Presentation And Seminar
Advanced Location Modeling to Enable Sophisticated LBS Provisioning in 3G networks
Network Operators recently spotted Location Based services (LBS) as a promising attempt to establish new sources of profit for the upcoming 3G networks (which are expected to be the main driver for real ubiquity) beside voice and video communication . For the time being, LBS are based on a simple location model, which maps basic geographic position information into a human-friendly description of position that is then used as a simple filter parameter within a database lookup. As location awareness for services generally require more extensive conditioning of the location information, the existing models restrict the range of possible LBS. To allow for a comprehensive range of sophisticated Location Based Services, an augmented form of location modeling is required. In this paper we introduce an advanced location modeling system, which comprises a multi-dimensional view of the term 'Location'; far beyond just representing simple geographic positions.
BLUETOOTH Paper Presentation And Seminor PPT
Bluetooth is a technology that allows computers, phones and other devices to talk to each other over short distances (typically about 10 meters). Bluetooth uses radio waves (in the 2.4 Gigahertz range), and is designed to be a secure and inexpensive way of connecting and exchanging information between devices without wires. You'll find bluetooth in many of the newer mobile phones, handheld computers, laptops, printers, handheld organizers, as well as in all sorts of products. It uses a common protocol, so transmission of data between two bluetooth devices. Bluetooth was originally developed by mobile phone company Ericsson in 1994. Looking for a unique name for the technology, they settled on "bluetooth" after a tenth century Viking king called Harald "bluetooth" Blatand. During his reign, he united Denmark and Norway, and was well known for his ability to help people communicate. Presumably, Ericsson's hope was that bluetooth technology could do the same
Bluetooth Technology Paper Presenttion And Seminar PPT
Blue tooth is based on a low-cost short-range radio link, built into a 9 x 9 mm microchip to be plugged in to computers, Printers, mobile phones; etc,. facilitating protected ad hoc connections for stationary and mobile communication environments. The radio will operate on the globally available 2.45GHz ISM "free band", allowing international travelers to use Bluetooth-enabled equipment worldwide. Bluetooth will eliminate the need for business travelers to purchase or carry numerous, often proprietary cables by allowing multiple devices to communicate with each other through a single port. Enabled devices will not need to remain within line-of-sight, and can maintain an uninterrupted connection when in motion, or even when placed in a pocket or briefcase.
Computer Graphics & Image Processing Paper Presentation And PPT
Computer graphics is a subfield of computer science and is concerned with digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. Although the term often refers to three-dimensional computer graphics, it also encompasses two-dimensional graphics and image processing. Graphics is often differentiated from the field of visualization, although the two have many similarities. Entertainment (in the form of animated movies and video games) is perhaps the most well-known application of graphics.
Some computer virus authors have made use of cryptography themselves, in attempts to make their creations more difficult to detect or more difficult to analyse, or as part of the destructive or annoying payloads they carry. While cryptography does not play a key role in most of the viruses currently responsible for the virus problem, the issue of cryptography in computer viruses is worth at least a passing glance. The most common use of encryption in computer viruses is as part of polymorphism. A polymorphic virus is one that changes form as it spreads, so that two different files infected with the virus will not necessarily have any significant byte-strings in common. In machine-language viruses, polymorphism is usually achieved by splitting the virus into three different sections: a short piece of decryptor code, a cryptographic key, and the main functional part of the virus. When the virus creates a new copy of itself, it selects a new cryptographic key, encrypts the main functional part of itself with that key, and generates (using any of a variety of methods) a new implementation of the decryptor code.
Data mining is the process of exploration and analysis of large quantities of data in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules. Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing data. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases.
Data Warehousing And Data Mining PPT And PDFs Seminar
Organizations have lately realized that just processing transactions and/or information’s faster and more efficiently, no longer provides them with a competitive advantage vis-Ã -vis their competitors for achieving business excellence. Information technology (IT) tools that are oriented towards knowledge processing can provide the edge that organizations need to survive and thrive in the current era of fierce competition. The increasing competitive pressures and the desire to leverage information technology techniques have led many organizations to explore the benefits of new emerging technology – viz. "Data Warehousing and Data Mining". What is needed today is not just the latest and updated to the nano-second information, but the cross-functional information that can help decisions making activity as "on-line" process.
Processing of digital images by means of digital computer refers to digital image processing. Digital images are composed of finite number of element of which has a particular location value. Picture elements, image elements, and pixels are used as elements used for digital image processing. Digital Image Processing is concerned with processing of an image. In simple words an image is a representation of a real scene, either in black and white or in color, and either in print form or in a digital form i.e., technically a image is a two-dimensional light intensity function. In other words it is a data intensity values arranged in a two dimensional form, the required property of an image can be extracted from processing an image. Image is typically by stochastic models. It is represented by AR model. Degradation is represented by MA model.
Med-informatics is the collection, organization and analysis of large amounts of biological data, using networks of computers and databases is called bioinformatics. In the past decade bioinformatics has witnessed an epochal growth. Now it’s divided into many branches. The branch of bioinformatics which we present is about “the role of information technology in drug discovery”. Before the advent of information technology, drug discovery was more of a trial and error method. The success rate was abysmally low. So what was their problem? Their success depended on human capabilities alone. It was such a tedious process and that was the reason for their low success rate. Do we today have a magic wand which makes drugs appear from nowhere? In a sense we do. And that is what we call intelligence processing.
Evaluation of Chess And Chess Programming
Knowledge engineering in Chess Programming Evaluation of Chess Position
Criteria and Procedure
All the chess programs contain Analysis function that gauges the position depending on several constraints like material advantage and positional elements. Each piece on board is assigned some fixed values. Positional elements are also given values. (e.g.:- double pawn weakness can be given -0.25).A chess programmer should have a thorough knowledge of various positional elements and he should find an efficient method of implementing this into his program. Hence chess becomes the combination of knowledge engineering and searching. Here the interesting aspect of the chess programming comes into picture. Knowledge- The opening and ending phases of the game can be played through predestined knowledge known as the ‘Book moves’. For the middle game some patterns are identified by the programmer and given importance over others. Searching- Gaming trees which search the position for the best moves. Like Minimax and Alpha-beta pruning.
HAPTIC TECHNOLOGY - Paper Presentation And PPT Seminar
Haptics refers to sensing and manipulationn through touch. The word comes from thee Greek ‘haptesthai’, meaning ‘to touch’.The history of the haptic interfacedates back to the 1950s, when a master-slave pair system was proposed by Goertz (1952). Haptic interfaces were established out of thee field of tele- operation, which was then employed in the remote manipulation ofof radioactive materials. The ultimate goal of thee tele-operation system was "transparency".That is, an user interacting with the masterer device in a master-slave pair should not be
able to distinguish between using the masterer controller and manipulating the actual toolol itself. Early haptic interface systemswere therefore developed purely fortelerobotic applications.
NANOTECHNOLOGY - Paper Presentation And Seminar
Nanotechnology is defined as fabrication of devices with atomic or molecular scale precision. Devices with minimum feature sizes less than 100 nanometers (nm) are considered to be products of nanotechnology. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter (10-9 m) and is the unit of length that is generally most appropriate for describing the size of single molecules. The nano scale marks the nebulous boundary between the classical and quantum mechanical worlds; thus, realization of nanotechnology promises to bring revolutionary capabilities. Fabrication of Nan machines, Nan electronics and other nano devices will undoubtedly solve an enormous amount of the problems faced by mankind today.Nanotechnology is currently in a very infantile stage. However, we now have the ability to organize matter on the atomic scale and there are already numerous products available as a direct result of our rapidly increasing ability to fabricate and characterize feature sizes less than 100 nm. Immanent breakthroughs in computer science and medicine will be where the real potential of nanotechnology will first be achieved.
Network SECURITY Paper Presentation And Seminar PPT
“SECURITY” in this contemporary scenarios has become a more sensible issue either it may be in the “REAL WORLD” or in the “CYBER WORLD”. In the real world as opposed to the cyber world an attack is often preceded by information gathering. Movie gangsters “case the joint”; soldiers “scout the area”. This is also true in the cyber world. Here the “bad guys” are referred to as intruders, eavesdroppers, hackers, hijackers, etc. The intruders would first have a panoramic view of the victims network and then start digging the holes. Today the illicit activities of the hackers are growing by leaps and bounds, viz., “THE RECENT ATTACK ON THE DNS SERVERS HAS CAUSED A LOT OF HULLABALOO ALL OVER THE WORLD”.
PARALLEL COMPUTING - Paper Presentation And PPT Seminar
Parallel computing is defined as the simultaneous use of more than one processor to execute a program. The idea is based on the fact that the process of solving a problem usually can be divided into smaller tasks, which may be carried out simultaneously with some coordination. The program has to have instructions to guide it to run in parallel. Since the work is shared or distributed amongst "different" processors, data has to be exchanged now and then. This data exchange takes place using different methods depending on the type of parallel computer used. For example, using a network of PCs, a certain protocol has to be defined (or installed) to allow the data flow between PCs. The sections below describe some of the details involved. Ever heard of "Divide and Conquer"? Ever heard of "Together we stand, divided we fall"? This is the whole idea of parallel computing
PARALLEL PROCESSING - Paper Presentation And PPT
Parallel Processing refers to the concept of speeding-up the execution of a program by dividing the program into multiple fragments that can execute simultaneously, each on its own processor. A program being executed across n processors might execute n times faster than it would using a single processor. Also this will help in error correction. For example, generally it is used in rockets. There a single calculation is done by more
than two processors and the majority answer will be considered. But in this paper, only the first case is discussed. In a small network, if only one processor is working, the others are at an idle state. Just they are present there. Also if a printer is present connected to one computer (that is idle), it is not possible to share it, if only one system is working. It is also possible to keep them active and they can be employed in processing parallel to the one processor that is working. There is a concept in Linux to satisfy this purpose. But, in that case all the processors share the same memory and same communication channels.
Pervasive Computing - Paper Presentation And Seminar
There is a wide range of potential benefits for government, service providers and consumers as computing technologies become more pervasive. There is debate over how to address concerns over privacy, security, safety and sustainability while still realizing the benefits of pervasive computing.
Such concerns may need to be addressed by means of voluntary guidelines, legislative measures, physical design, or a combination of these. Many say there is a need for greater public debate on the implications of pervasive computing. Keywords: Computer Research Centre (CRC) , Human-Computer Interactions(HCI) , PDA, Pervasive computing systems (PCs), Information and Communications Technology (ICT), National Consumer Council (NCC)
SECURITY ON BLUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY - Paper Presentation And Mini Project
Bluetooth enabled electronic devices connect and communicate wirelessly via short-range, ad-hoc networks called ‘Piconets’. Each unit can simultaneously communicate with up to seven other units in a piconet. These piconets are established dynamically and automatically as blue tooth devices enter and leave the radio proximity. To replace messy wires, make information transfer automatic without synchronization cradles and introduced many applications Bluetooth excels at connecting devices irrespective of their locations and can even talk through wall.
Software engineering (SE) is the design, development, and documentation of software by applying technologies and practices from computer science, project management, engineering, application domains, interface design, digital asset management and other fields. The term software engineering has been commonly used with a variety of distinct meanings: • As the informal contemporary term for the broad range of activities that was formerly called programming and systems analysis; • As the broad term for all aspects of the practice of computer programming, as opposed to the theory of computer programming, which is called computer science; • As the term embodying the advocacy of a specific approach to computer programming, one that urges that it be treated as an engineering discipline rather
VOIP Technology Kills The Telephone - Paper Presentation And Seminar Mini Project
The telephone is the most common of today’s communication facilities. It is also the enabler of the Internet i.e. we use telephone lines to access the internet. It would therefore only be natural for us to assume that the telephone would be around for all time to come. But the assumption will no longer be true. A silent revolution that is taking place on telephone networks the world over could make the telephone of today useless and extinct. That revolution is Voice over IP, VoIP for short. Today, we have to maintain two separate networks for voice and data. Also, the charges for voice transmission are way higher than those for data transmission. Both voice and data networks are combined over IP networks to reduce the transmission charge. VoIP is the technology behind IP telephony.
THE ADVENT OF WiFi & WiMAX - Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network is a networking technology that allows the user to connect his computer to other ones without any wires. It is called "local" because of its rather small range. On the American market the success is being achieved by Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX - these are new-generation wireless networks. The name Wi-Fi, which is an abbreviation of Wireless Fidelity, was created by international organization called Wi-Fi Alliance. The main purpose of its members is examining the compatibility, certifying and promoting hardware designed for Wi-Fi net. Thanks to Wi-Fi Alliance networks built in this way compete with popular Bluetooth technology. Many people also use wireless networking, also called WiFi or 802.11 networking, to connect their computers at home, and an increasing number of cities use the technology to provide free or low-cost Internet access to residents. In the near future, wireless networking may become so widespread that you can access the Internet just about anywhere at any time, without using wires.
Voice Over Internet Protocol - Paper Presentation And Mini Project
The main aim of this paper is to provide a conceptual view on “Voice over Internet Protocol”, its techniques characteristics and functions. What’s Voice on Internet Protocol? And this paper is for small businesses who want to cut the cost of their phone bill. It’s also for those who want to integrate their phone system with their business applications, to make staff more productive and offer better customer service and it covers the benefits of implementing Voice Over Internet Protocol, with advice on how to go about it. Voice over IP can also dramatically improve the way you work. If you switch phone calls to IT network, you can merge voice and data, boosting staff productivity and enhancing customer service. As the price of high speed internet Connections comes down, it’s well worth taking a fresh look at long term plans for phone and IT network. Protocols are the set of rules that should govern data communications.
WEB MINING -An Application of Data Mining - Paper Presentation And PPT
Two important and active areas of current research are data mining and world wide web.A natural combination of the two areas sometimes referred to as web mining.It is application of data mining techniques to the World Wide Web.Web mining is the extraction of interesting and potentially useful patterns and implicit information from artifacts or activity related to the World Wide Web.The term Web mining has been used in two distinct ways.The First which is referred to as Web content Mining,describes the process of information or resource discovery from millions of sources across the World Wide Web.The second ,which we call Web usage mining,is the process of mining for user browsing and access patterns on one or more web localities.We define Web mining in particular ,present an overview of the various research issues , techniques and development efforts in web content mining and web usage mining,We conclude this paper by listing issues that need the attention of research community.
An Environment for Controlled Worm Replication And Analysis - PDF Document
So-called 'worms' have been a feature of the malware landscape since the beginning, and yet have been largely ignored by anti-virus companies until comparatively recently. However, the near-complete connectivity of computers in today's western world, coupled with the largely Win32-centric base of installed operating systems make the rise of worms inevitable.The author will describe techniques and mechanisms for constructing and utilising an environment enabling the automatic examination of worms and network-aware viruses. Whilst these techniques are being developed for incorporation into the IBM/Symantec Immune System for Cyberspace, the paper is not intended to be a discussion of the Immune System concept. Instead, the intent is to describe an approach that has been applied to the problem with some measure of success.
The approach involves building a virtual SOHO network, which is in turn connected to a virtual Internet. Both the virtual LAN and WAN are populated with virtual machines. The suspected worm is introduced into this environment, and executed therein. The whole system is closely monitored as execution progresses in the
isolated environment, and data is amassed describing what the suspected worm did as it executed. This data is then processed by the system in an attempt to automatically determine whether or not the suspect programming is performing actions indicative of a worm or internet-aware malware.
An Undetectable Computer Virus - PDF document on Computer Virus
A very similar example demonstrates that there are viruses for which no error-free detection
algorithm exists. That is, not only can we not write a program that detects all viruses known and
unknown with no false positives, but in addition there are some viruses for which, even when we
have a sample of the virus in hand and have analyzed it completely, we cannot write a program
that detects just that particular virus with no false positives.2 As noted above, a virus is said to be "polymorphic" if the size of the viral set is greater than one; that is, if the code of the virus is different in different infected objects. Consider a virus which is sufficiently polymorphic that for any implementable algorithm X the program p:
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