Image Processing A Review On Recent Trends On Color Segmentation Methods
Segmentation techniques were mainly proposed for gray-level images on which rather comprehensive surveys are found. The reason is that, although color information permits a more complete representation of images and more reliable segmentations, processing color images requires computational times considerably larger than those needed for gray-level images. Nevertheless, this is no longer a major problem due to the increasing speed and decreasing costs of computation. Besides, relatively inexpensive color cameras are easily available nowadays. On reviewing recent color image segmentation approaches from which the most interesting ones are succinctly described next. In these surveys, the outstanding feature defining a segmentation is that the decomposition of an image into regions should be significant in relation to the application that is using such results. On the other hand, possible applications of color segmentation are stretched to include multimedia applications such as image and video retrieval from digital databases, information transmission via the Internet, and the latest generations of mobile telephones, as well as image compression for television transmission. These works classify segmentation techniques into three main categories.