What is JavaScript ? When new technologies start, they sometimes acquire names that will be confusing in the future. That's the case with JavaScript. JavaScript is not 'Java'. JavaScript is a simple programming language that was developed by Netscape that writes commands to your browser when the HTML page is loaded. Note: you can have compatibility issues with Java Script, especially in newer versions of Browsers. What is JavaScript ? When new technologies start, they sometimes acquire names that will be confusing in the future. That's the case with JavaScript. JavaScript is not 'Java'. JavaScript is a simple programming language that was developed by Netscape that writes commands to your browser when the HTML page is loaded. Note: you can have compatibility issues with Java Script, especially in newer versions of Browsers.
Projects, Thesis, Final Year Projects, IT, MBA, Seminar
Mini Project On Calculator With JAVA Code
What is JavaScript ? When new technologies start, they sometimes acquire names that will be confusing in the future. That's the case with JavaScript. JavaScript is not 'Java'. JavaScript is a simple programming language that was developed by Netscape that writes commands to your browser when the HTML page is loaded. Note: you can have compatibility issues with Java Script, especially in newer versions of Browsers. What is JavaScript ? When new technologies start, they sometimes acquire names that will be confusing in the future. That's the case with JavaScript. JavaScript is not 'Java'. JavaScript is a simple programming language that was developed by Netscape that writes commands to your browser when the HTML page is loaded. Note: you can have compatibility issues with Java Script, especially in newer versions of Browsers.
Mini Project On APPLET Window Project With JAVA Code
What is Applet?
An applet is a little application. Prior to the World Wide Web, the built-in writing and drawing programs that came with Windows were sometimes called "applets." On the Web, using Java, the object-oriented programming language, an applet is a small program that can be sent along with a Web page to a user. Java applets can perform interactive animations, immediate calculations, or other simple tasks without having to send a user request back to the server.
Mini Project On Banner With Java Code
Short for Java Server Page. A server-side technology, Java Server Pages are an extension to the Java servlet technology that was developed by Sun. JSPs have dynamic scripting capability that works in tandem with HTML code, separating the page logic from the static elements -- the actual design and display of the page -- to help make the HTML more functional(i.e. dynamic database queries). A JSP is translated into Java servlet before being run, and it processes HTTP requests and generates responses like any servlet. However, JSP technology provides a more convenient way to code a servlet. Translation occurs the first time the application is run. A JSP translator is triggered by the .jsp file name extension in a URL. JSPs are fully interoperable with servlets. You can include output from a servlet or forward the output to a servlet, and a servlet can include output from a JSP or forward output to a JSP. JSPs are not restricted to any specific platform or server. It was orignially created as an alternative to Microsoft's ASPs (Active Server Pages). Recently, however, Microsoft has countered JSP technology with its own ASP.NET, part of the .NET initiative.
Mini Project On Browser With Java Code
Java is an entire programming language resembling C or C++. It takes a sophisticated programmer to create Java code. And it requires a sophisticated programmer to maintain it. With Java, you can create complete applications. Or you can attach a small group of instructions, a Java "applet" that improves your basic HTML. A Java Applet can also cause text to change color when you roll over it. A game, a calendar, a scrolling text banner can all be created with Java Applets. There are sometimes compatibility problems between Java and various browsers, operating systems or computers, and if not written correctly, it can be slow to load. Java is a powerful programming language with excellent security, but you need to be aware of the tradeoffs. Short for Java Server Page. A server-side technology, Java Server Pages are an extension to the Java servlet technology that was developed by Sun. JSPs have dynamic scripting capability that works in tandem with HTML code, separating the page logic from the static elements -- the actual design and display of the page -- to help make the HTML more functional(i.e. dynamic database queries). A JSP is translated into Java servlet before being run, and it processes HTTP requests and generates responses like any servlet. However, JSP technology provides a more convenient way to code a servlet. Translation occurs the first time the application is run. A JSP translator is triggered by the .jsp file name extension in a URL. JSPs are fully interoperable with servlets.
SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic
“All input is evil until proven otherwise!”so security technology come into play.With the rapid growth of interest in the Internet, network security has become a major concern to companies throughout the world. The fact that the information and tools needed to penetrate the security of corporate networks are widely available has increased that concern. Because of this increased focus on network security, network administrators often spend more effort protecting their networks than on actual network setup and administration. Tools that probe for system vulnerabilities, such as the Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN), and some of the newly available scanning and intrusion detection packages and appliances, assist in these efforts, but these tools only point out areas of weakness and may not provide a means to protect networks from all possible attacks. Thus, as a network administrator, you must constantly try to keep abreast of the large number of security issues confronting you in today's world. This paper describes many of the security issues that arise when connecting a private network. Understand the types of attacks that may be used by hackers to undermine network security.For decades, technology has transformed almost every aspect of business, from the shop floor to the shop door. While technology was a fundamental enabler, it was often driven from an operational or cost advantage and seen as separate from business itself. The new reality is that technology doesn’t support the business—technology powers the business. IT risks are now business risks and IT opportunities are now business opportunities.
Paper Presentation On C Programming Language
A Garbage Collector For the C Programming Language
Garbage collection absolves the developer from tracking memory usage and knowing when to free memory. If unreferenced locations are not collected, they pollute the memory and may lead to exhaustion of available memory during the execution of the program. Garbage collection (GC) is an important part of many modern language implementations. The benefits of garbage collection in comparison with manual memory management techniques are well known to programmers who have used high-level languages like Java and C#. Software professionals estimate that the programming effort required to manually perform dynamic memory management is approximately 40% of the total cost of developing a large software system. Unfortunately, these benefits have not traditionally been available to developers in ‘C’ programming language because of the lack of support for the GC feature.
C Programming Language Paper Presentation And Seminar Report
A Garbage Collector For the C Programming Language
Garbage collection absolves the developer from tracking memory usage and knowing when to free memory. If unreferenced locations are not collected, they pollute the memory and may lead to exhaustion of available memory during the execution of the program. Garbage collection (GC) is an important part of many modern language implementations. The benefits of garbage collection in comparison with manual memory management techniques are well known to programmers who have used high-level languages like Java and C#. Software professionals estimate that the programming effort required to manually perform dynamic memory management is approximately 40% of the total cost of developing a large software system. Unfortunately, these benefits have not traditionally been available to developers in ‘C’ programming language because of the lack of support for the GC feature.
Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic On DIGITAL WATER MARKING
A robust, computationally efficient and blind digital image watermarking in spatial domain has been discussed in this paper. Embedded watermark is meaningful and recognizable and recovery process needs only one secret image. Watermark insertion process exploits average brightness of the homogeneity regions of the cover image. Spatial mask of suitable size is used to hide data with less visual impairments. Experimental results show resiliency of the proposed scheme against large blurring attack like mean and Gaussian filtering, non linear filtering like median, image rescaling, symmetric image cropping, lower order bit manipulation of gray values and lossy data compression like JPEG with high compression ratio and low PSNR values. Almost as discreetly as the technology itself, digital watermarking has recently made its debut on the geo-imaging stage.This innovative technology is proving to be a cost-effective means of deterring copyright theft of mapping data and of ensuring the authenticity and integrity of rasterised image data. First developed around six years ago, digital watermarking is a sophisticated modern incarnation of steganography-the science of concealing information within other information. In the field of e-commerce, digital watermarking has already established itself as an effective deterrent against copyright theft of photographs and illustrations. Now digital watermarking software is finding uses within national mapping agencies and others working with rasterised images or map data. Current applications range from protecting valuable map data against copyright theft to securing photographic survey or reconnaissance images against tampering.
Paper Presentation On Multimodal Biometric Voting System
Elections allow the people to choose their representatives and express their preferences for how they will be governed. Naturally, the integrity of the election process is fundamental to the integrity of democracy itself. The election system must be sufficiently robust to withstand a variety of fraudulent behaviors and must be sufficiently transparent and comprehensible that voters and candidates can accept the results of an election. Unsurprisingly, history is littered with examples of elections being manipulated in order to nuence their out come. The design of a “good” voting system,whether electronic or using traditional paper ballots
or mechanical devices, must satisfy a number of sometimes competing criteria. The anonymity of a voter’s ballot must be preserved,both to guarantee the voter’s safety when voting against a malevolent candidate, and to guarantee that voters have no evidence that proves which candidates received their votes. The existence of such evidence would allow votes to be purchased by a candidate.
Paper Presentation And Seminar Report Bio Metrics
Biometrics is seen by many as a solution to a lot of the user identification and security problems in today‘s networks. Password abuse and misuse, intentional and inadvertent is a gaping hole in network security. This results mainly from human error, carelessness and in some cases maliciousness. Biometrics removes human error from the security equation. Our paper will examine all the technological and feasibility aspects as well as the practical applications. The terms "Biometrics" and "Biometry" have been used since early in the 20th century to refer to the field of development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis problems in the biological sciences. Recently, these terms have also been used to refer to the emerging field of information technology devoted to automated identification of individuals using biological traits, such as those based on retinal or iris scanning, voice patterns, dynamic signatures, fingerprints, face recognition, or hand measurements, especially for authentication purposes.
We identify three types of attack on the intellectual property contained in software and three corresponding technical defenses.A defense against reverse engineering is obfuscation, a process that renders software unintelligible but still functional. A defense against software piracy is watermarking, a process that makes it possible to determine the origin of software. A defense against tampering is tamper-proofing, so that unauthorized modifications to software will result in nonfunctional code. We briefly survey the available technology for each type of defense.What is water marking?• Originally used to identify paper quality• Anti-counterfeiting of paper money• Extended to other forms of hidden information.Definitions:• Work: specific song, video, image, text, etc.• Watermarking: practice of imperceptibly altering a work to embed a message about that work.WATER MARKING GOALS:– verify the owner of a digital image– detect forgeries of an original image– identify illegal copies of the image–Prevent unauthorized distribution.
SpyWare Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic
Millions of computer users are being watched, not just by employers and Organizations, but by the software that they use frequently without their knowledge. This spyware has become the center for collecting of the private data and threatens the corporate secured data. Even it can change computer settings, resulting in slow connection speeds, different home pages, and loss of Internet or other programs. In an attempt to increase the understanding of spyware,we have to understand the “What exactly is spyware? How does it work? What is its impact on users and the businesses that employ them?How to prevent them?are discussed. Spyware is software designed to collect information from computer system users without their knowledge. Typically, spyware can be classifiedas a type of trojan horse, which is a type of technology-based security incident, allowing for information security policy violation. It can be termed also as computer software that is installed surreptitiously on a personal computer to intercept or take partial control over the user's interaction with the computer, without the user's informed consent.
Paper Presentation And Abstract On BIOMETRICS
The meaning of Biometrics comes from the Greeks. The Greek hybrid of the words is bio meaning life and metry meaning to measure. The webster’s definition is the statistical measurement and analysis of biological observations and phenomena. In a more simpler terms biometrics means using the body as a password.Now-a-days, Security is no longer a secure word, because of the recent evolutions in the IT field such as e-commerce, Internet etc., gone are the days where passwords, authentication were considered as measures for security. To help the security on the Net, there comes a new era of security namely BIOMETRICS.Biometric identification is, simply, the technique of verifying a person by a physical characteristic or personal characteristics.
Radio Frequency Identification Technology Paper Presentation And PPT
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a method of remotely storing and retrieving data using devices called RFID tags. An RFID tag is a small object, such as an adhesive sticker, that can be attached to or incorporated into a product. RFID tags contain antennae to enable them to receive and respond to radio-frequency queries from an RFID transceiver. History of RFID tags: Although some people think that the first known device may have been invented by Leon Theremin as an espionage tool for the Russian Government in 1945, the first real usage of RFID devices predates that. During World War II the United Kingdom used RFID devices to distinguish returning English airplanes from inbound German ones. RADAR was only able to signal the presence of a plane, not the kind of plane it was.Perhaps the first work exploring RFID is the landmark 1948 paper by Harry Stockman, entitled “Communication by Means of Reflected Power” (Proceedings of the IRE, pp1196-1204, October 1948). Stockman predicted that “…considerable research and development work has to be done before the remaining basic problems in reflected-power communication are solved, and before the field of useful applications is explored.” It required thirty years of advances in many different fields before RFID became a reality.25
Paper Presentation And PPT On Grid Computing
Artificial Intelligence & Learning Computers Paper Presentation
The term artificial intelligence is used to describe a property of machines or programs: the intelligence that the system demonstrates. Among the traits that researchers hope machines will exhibit are reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects. Constructing robots that perform intelligent tasks has always been a highly motivating factor for the science and technology of information processing. Unlike philosophy and psychology, which are also concerned with intelligence, AI strives to build intelligent entities such as robots as well as understand them. Although no one can predict the future in detail, it is clear that computers with human-level intelligence (or better) would have a huge impact on our everyday lives and on the future course of civilization Neural Networks have been proposed as an alternative to Symbolic Artificial Intelligence in constructing intelligent systems. They are motivated by computation in the brain. Small Threshold computing elements when put together produce powerful information processing machines. In this paper, we put forth the foundational ideas in artificial intelligence and important concepts in Search Techniques, Knowledge Representation, Language Understanding, Machine Learning, Neural Computing and such other disciplines.
One may claim that the exponential growth in the amount of data provides great opportunities for data mining. In many real world applications, the number of sources over which this information is fragmented grows at an even faster rate, resulting in barriers to widespread application of data mining. A data warehouse is designed especially for decision support queries. Data warehousing is the process of extracting and transforming operational data into informational data and loading it into a central data store or warehouse. The idea behind data mining , then is the “ non trivial process of identifying valid, novel , potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in India” Data mining is concerned with the analysis of data and the use of software technique for finding patterns and regularities in sets of data. Data mining potential can be enhanced if the appropriate data has been collected and stored in data warehouse Data warehousing provides the means to change raw data into information for making effective business decision the emphasis on information , not data. The data warehouse is the hub for decision support data.
A chip architecture that integrates a fingerprint sensor and an identifier in a single chip is proposed. The Fingerprint identifier is formed by an array of pixels, and each pixel contains a sensing element and a Processing element. The sensing element senses capacitance formed by a finger surface to capture a Fingerprint image. Identification is performed by the pixel-parallel processing of the pixels. The sensing element is built above the processing element in each pixel. The chip architecture realizes a wide-area sensor without a large increase of chip size and ensures high sensor sensitivity while maintaining a high image density. The sensing element is covered with a hard film to prevent physical and chemical degradation and surrounded by a ground wall to shield it. The wall is also exposed on the chip surface to protect against damage by electrostatic discharges from the finger contacting the chip. A 15* 15 mm2 single-chip fingerprint
Sensor/identifier LSI uses 0.5um standard CMOS with the sensor process. The sensor area is 10.1 * 13.5 mm2: The sensing and identification time is 102 ms with power consumption of 8.8 mW at 3.3 V. Five hundred tests confirmed a stranger-rejection rate of the chip of more than 99% and a user-rejection rate of less than 1%.
Paper Presentation On Biometrics For Fool Proof Security
Now-a-days we are facing majority of crimes related to security issues and these arise due to the leakage of passwords or illegal authentication. At one end, there is a continuous and tremendous improvement in the lifestyle of Humans while at the other end; the technological crimes are increasing rapidly. As there is a problem, there must be a solution. The need for a compromising technology which can be adopted is highly imperative. Technologies capable of identifying each person uniquely need to be developed. The only powerful solution for the problem of illegal authentication is Biometrics.Nature has made human beings with different characteristics which may vary from one person to another. This property is made use of by Biometric technology to distinctly identify each person. Biometrics is a means of using the physiological or behavioral characteristics of a person as a kind of permanent password. This paper provides an overall idea of Biometrics , the typical Biometric Model, an overview of the Biometric techniques and focuses mainly on Keystroke Biometrics which is easy to implement and can provide fool proof security based on the effectiveness of the algorithm.
“It is better to light up a candle rather than to curse the darkness”
Digital Water Marking Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic
Digital Water Marking - A sophisticated Modern Incarnation Of Steganography
A robust, computationally efficient and blind digital image watermarking in spatial domain has been discussed in this paper. Embedded watermark is meaningful and recognizable and recovery process needs only one secret image. Watermark insertion process exploits average brightness of the homogeneity regions of the cover image. Spatial mask of suitable size is used to hide data with less visual impairments. Experimental results show resiliency of the proposed scheme against large blurring attack like mean and Gaussian filtering, non linear filtering like median, image rescaling, symmetric image cropping, lower order bit manipulation of gray values and loss data compression like JPEG with high compression ratio and low PSNR values. Almost as discreetly as the technology itself, digital watermarking has recently made its debut on the geo-imaging stage.
Paper Presentation On Biometrics For a Secure Network
Here we are in the world of network and we treat it as an environment in which we are hanging with wires to that". As more and more people become ``wired'', an increase in number of people getting connected to this environment creates some risks in this environment (network) Mainly risks occur while conducting business on the Net; The following are some of the security risks occurs -unauthorized access, Eavesdropping, Password sniffing, spoofing-spoofing, Denial of ervice,virus,attack, System modification, Data modification, Repudiation, E-mail bombing. so to make this network secure we need network security .“The Network security is collection of tools designed to protect data and to thwart hackers during data transmission“. Unfortunately, so far the introduction of new enabling technologies did not succeed in boosting new services .Network security is a complicated subject, historically only tackled by well trained and experienced experts. So to make network secure Biometrics came into existence.Biometrics is an advanced technology for superb security and authentication . Bio metrics is a new method, which is efficient and fastest of all methods to secure the information. It treats network as environment and increases the level of security in network . In network environment, security is a crucial factor. Providing security to pages in the network is becoming very difficult. Which can be solved using Biometrics.
Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic On BIONIC EYE
Retina no longer functions correctly—due to conditions such as Retinitis pigmentosa
(RP) or Age-related Macular degeneration (AMD)—the optic nerve can be given information from an artificial source bypassing the photoreceptor mechanism in the path. Capturing images and converting them into electrical signals is the easy part. The much trickier part is wiring the input into a person’s nervous system. Retinal implants currently being tested pick up radio signals from a camera mounted on a pair of glasses and then directly stimulate the nerve cells behind the malfunctioning rods and cones. The system would directly stimulate the layer underneath the dead photoreceptor, with resolution corresponding to 20/80 visual acuity. The eye of a fly forms a very fuzzy image of the world, and its brain is only the size of a grain of rice, yet flies must obviously have an exquisite sense of visual motion because they are able to see well enough to avoid being swatted and they are able to perform precise landing maneuvers.
Developing a motion-sensing chip for use as a bionic eye could also have application in other areas, for example, as powerful type of anti-collision sensor in motor vehicles, and as optical gyroscopes for miniature aircraft.
Paper Presentation And PPT On Bit Torrent
People who download files but do not share files on their own computer with others Seed or seeder:– A computer with a complete copy of a BitTorrent file (At least one seed computer is Necessary for a BitTorrent downloads to operate.) Swarm:- A group of computers simultaneously sending (uploading) or receiving (downloading)The same file torrent:- A pointer file that directs your computer to the file you want to download. Tracker: - A server that manages the BitTorrent file-transfer process
Paper Presentation And PPT On BLUE TOOTH
The term Bluetooth refers to an open specification for a technology to enable short-range wireless voice and data communications anywhere in the world. This paper provides a view about the current status of wireless and mobile technology, summarizes their current state of development and describes the additional sources and guides us to how to apply this particular technology. Bluetooth is an open standard for wireless connectivity with supporters mostly from the PC and cell phone industries. Not surprisingly, it primary marker is for data and voice transfer between communication devices and PCs. In the way, it is similar in purpose to the IrDA protocol, Bluetooth, however, is a radio frequency (RI) technology utilizing the unlicensed 2.5 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band. Target applications include PC and peripheral networking, hidden computing, and data synchronization such as for address bookstand calendars. Other applications could include home networking and home applications of the future such as smart appliances, heating systems, and entertainment devices.
Paper Presentation On Cancer nanotechnology
To meet the goal of eliminating death and suffering from cancer, Nanotechnology cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention was founded. On novel nanodevices capable of one or more clinically important functions, including detecting cancer at its earliest stages, pinpointing its location within the body, delivering anticancer drugs specifically to malignant cells, and determining if these drugs are killing malignant cells. As these nanodevices are evaluated in clinical trials, researchers envision that nanotechnology will serve as multifunctional tools that will not only be used with any number of diagnostic and therapeutic agents, but will change the very foundations of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention which are the main part of this paper. The advent of nanotechnology in cancer research couldn't have come at a more opportune time. To harness the potential of nanotechnology in cancer, NCI is seeking broad scientific input to provide direction to research and engineering applications. In doing so, NCI will develop a Cancer Nanotechnology Plan. Drafted with input from experts in both cancer research and nanotechnology. To harness the potential of nanotechnology in cancer, NCI is seeking broad scientific input to provide direction to research and engineering applications which was explained in this paper.
Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic On Carbon Nanotube
Carbon Nano tube- Based Nonvolatile Random Access Memory
Carbon nanotubes exhibit outstanding structural, mechanical and electronic properties, which make them ideal wires for molecular electronics. Nanotechnology propose using nano-scale carbon structures as the basis for a memory device. Recent developments in nanodevices presented a new approach for a highly integrated, ultrafast, nonvolatile Random Access Memory (RAM) based on carbon nanotubes.
A single-wall carbon nanotube would contain a charged buckyball. That buckyball will stick tightly to one end of the tube or the other. The bit value of the device is assigned depending on which side of the tube the ball is. The result is a high-speed, non-volatile bit of memory. A number of schemes have been proposed for the interconnection of these devices and examine some of the known electrical issues.
Paper Presentation On CASSI Speech Recognition Embedded Systems Device
CASSI Speech Recognition: Adding Speech Recognition to Embedded Devices
The Conversay Advanced Symbolic Speech Interface (CASSI) is a unique speech engine for embedded devices.This software solution provides today’s handheld devices ( cellular phones and PDAs )with unique capabilities and interface choices. Conversay’s technology provides continuous, speaker-independent speech recognition in a small kernel.With a virtually unlimited vocabulary capability, CASSI gives developers the ability to completely customize the user interface and experience. Everything from simple voice dialing to more sophisticated Internet Conversations™ are available to the system designer. The paper discusses the applications, system requirements, and capabilities of CASSI, and also describes the basic implementation details for the developer.
Mobile communications are rapidly becoming more and more necessary for everyday activities. With so many more users to accommodate, more efficient use of bandwidth is a priority among cellular phone system operators. Equally important is the security and reliability of these calls. One solution that has been offered is a CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS SYSTEM. CDMA is one method for implementing a multiple access communication system. MULTIPLE ACCESS is a technique where many subscribers or local stations can share the use of the use of a communication channel at the same time or nearly so despite the fact originate from widely different locations. A channel can be thought of as merely a portion of the limited radio resource, which is temporarily allocated for a specific purpose, such as someone’s phone call. A multiple access method is a definition of how the radio spectrum is divided into channels and how the channels are allocated to the many users of the system. Since there are multiple users transmitting over the same channel, a method must be established so that individual users will not disrupt one another. There are essentially three ways to do this.
The current cellular networks use many different, in compatible standards which relay on different frequency modulation techniques. The focus of the third generation wireless systems is on a predominantly analog because mobile communications have been primarily developed for voice users. How ever the use of cellular networks to support mobile communicating applications is increasing rapidly due to the emphasis on mobile commerce.Collections of technologies are emerging to provide analog as well as digital services over cellular networks to support mobile users and applications. The cellular networks are evolving through first, second and third generations. The technology CDMA belong to third generation of cellular networks. This paper is an attempt to give you clear idea on “how to generate a CDMA signal” and “what are the stages involved to generate a CDMA signal”. It also includes “what are the call processing stages”. GSM
The most modern telephone is the cellular telephone, or commonly Called a cell phone. A cellular telephone is designed to give the user maximum freedom of movement while using a telephone.Mobile communications is a hot topic. The number of mobile communication devices users is growing very fast. The number of mobiles (cellular phones) is now exceeding the number of fixed lines in many countries (Finland, Japan etc.).Cellular/mobile phones are everywhere and their utility is growing. A cell phone is a radio telephone, that may be used wherever "cell" coverage is provided. The role of cellular phones has risen with improvement in services, reduction in service costs and the ever increasing services available through cell phones.This paper covers the basic architecture of Cellular Communications and concentrates mainly on GSM.
Communications satellites play a major role in telephone transmission,television and radio program distribution,computer communications,maritime navigation and military command and control. Satellite communications combines such diverse topics as Radio wave propagation ,antennas, orbital mechanics , modulation , detection , coding and radio electronics.For fixed services, communications satellites provide a technology complementary to that of fiber optic submarine communication cables. They are also used for mobile applications such as communications to ships and planes, for which application of other technologies, such as cable, are impractical or impossible.
Imagine you control all the systems around just by a simple gesture and the things respond to you as if it was some magic. This could be possible with embedded systems. The term ‘embedded systems’ is quite a complex one. Simply put, it is a combination of hardware and software that performs the component of a larger system. A few years ago embedded technology existed in stand alone devices such as vending machines and copiers that did their jobs with little regards for what went on around them. But as technology advance to connect devices to the internet and to each other, the potential of embedded technology has increased. Home appliances, mobile phones, cars, tiny micro chips, avionics etc.., are all using embedded technology. This paper deals with concepts and developments of embedded systems in control of machines and gives a general overview of the basic components of control systems, ranging from sensors to actuators.
NANO TECHNOLOGY Paper Presentation And PPT
Nanotechnology is a hybrid science combining engineering, chemistry and to a certain extent biology. Computers will compute faster, medicine will cure more diseases, materials will become stronger, this technology that works at nanometer scale of molecules and atoms will be a larger part of our future, enabling great improvement in all fields of human presence. The concept of nanotechnology originated with American physicist Richard P. Feynman. In a talk to the American Physical Society in December 1959, Nanotechnology, the creation and use of materials or devices at extremely small scales. These materials or devices fall in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers (nm). One nm is equal to one billionth of a meter (.000000001 m), which is about 50,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Scientists refer to the dimensional range of 1 to 100 nm as the nanoscale, and materials at this scale are called nanocrystals or nanomaterials.The nanoscale is unique because nothing solid can be made any smaller. It is also unique because many of the mechanisms of the biological and physical world operate on length scales from 0.1 to 100 nm.
Mobile computing has been undergoing a bit of a renaissance lately. A few years ago it was a simple matter of finding a data-compatible mobile phone, a PC card modem, and a matching cable and installing it as a modem. Then people started to use PDA’s as well. Cell phones started to come with infrared ports to allow communication with laptops. Then cell phones started to come with modems built in. The connecting methods of mobile computing, its introduction, connection types, factors affecting connections, mobile applications and its limitations are explained.
CREATING HIGH SPEED MEMORY Paper Presentation And Seminar Topic
Creating High-Speed Memory Interfaces with Virtex-II and Virtex-II Pro FPGAs
Designing high-speed memory interfaces is a challenging task. Xilinx has invested time and effort to make it simple to design such interfaces using the Virtex-II™ and Virtex-II Pro™ FPGAs.This application note discusses the challenges presented by this task together with various techniques that can be used to overcome them, while illustrating the key concepts in implementing any memory interface. The interface speed is 200 MHz. High-speed memory interfaces are typically source-synchronous and double data rate. In a source-synchronous design, the clocks are generated and transmitted along with the data, as shown in Figure 1. The data is typically received High-speed controllers and interfaces are challenging to design. Designing high-speed memory interfaces are particularly challenging due to various factors. Some of the key challenges are • Source-synchronous data transmit (data write function). • Source-synchronous data receive (data read function).While these functions are common in all high-speed interfaces, memory interfaces make it particularly challenging due to the following factors:• Single-ended standards. Memories typically use HSTL or SSTL type input/output standard.
Development of Unified Power Flow Controller using MATLAB - Paper Presentation And PPT
Power today is a basic commodity. In the recent years ecological concerns and high installation costs have put constraints over construction of new plants and overhead lines in many countries, thereby forcing existing system to be used more efficiently. Conventional means result in slow overall control and in the loss of synchronism and serious over-voltages on load buses. Our main objective is to meet the electric load demand reliably while simultaneously satisfying certain quality constraints imposed on the power supply. Generally, this specified level of system reliability and quality is insured in terms of the capacity of the system to meet the aggregate load demand and the ability of the system to withstand the impact of disturbance. A new concept of Flexible AC Transmission system (FACTS) brought radical changes in the power system operation and control. A new technique using FACTS devices linked to the improvements in semiconductor technology opens new opportunities for controlling power and enhancing the usable capacity of existing transmission lines. UPFC and SSSC are examples of such FACTS devices.
Power today is a basic commodity. In the recent years ecological concerns and high installation costs have put constraints over construction of new plants and overhead lines in many countries, thereby forcing existing system to be used more efficiently. Conventional means result in slow overall control and in the loss of synchronism and serious over-voltages on load buses. Our main objective is to meet the electric load demand reliably while simultaneously satisfying certain quality constraints imposed on the power supply. Generally, this specified level of system reliability and quality is insured in terms of the capacity of the system to meet the aggregate load demand and the ability of the system to withstand the impact of disturbance. A new concept of Flexible AC Transmission system (FACTS) brought radical changes in the power system operation and control. A new technique using FACTS devices linked to the improvements in semiconductor technology opens new opportunities for controlling power and enhancing the usable capacity of existing transmission lines. UPFC and SSSC are examples of such FACTS devices.
Digital Image Processing Paper Presentation And Power Point
The proliferation of data exchange on the Internet presents a challenge in the field of copyright protection, as the unauthorized duplication and distribution of multimedia data become easier. Digital watermarking has been proposed to solve the problem. However most image watermarking algorithms lose synchoronization under rotation, scaling and translation operations. Several papers have been published to address the problem. Most of them use methods in the Fourier transform domain. In this paper, we propose another approach utilizing circular Gaussian filters. Experimental results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm. In this paper, we present a RST resilient image watermarking algorithm using circular Gaussian filters. Instead of using spatial synchronization, we synchronize the watermark based on filtering results. The experimental results show the algorithm achieves robustness to rotation, scaling, translation and small amounts of cropping.
This digital clock can be easily constructed using readily available IC’s and components The block diagram of the digital clock is shown in figure. The basic 1Hz clock pulse signal is obtained from the clock pulse generator using a 4.194304 MHz crystal. It is divided by 60 by the second’s section to produce one clock pulse every minute, which is further divided by 60 to produce one clock every hour. Both the seconds and the minute’s section use divide-by-10 and divide-by-6 counters. The clock pulse from minute’s section is applied to the hour’s section, which is a divided-by-12 counter to control the hour and AM/PM indication with the help of the code converter circuit and the J-K flip-flop. The outputs of all the counters are displayed on 7-segment displays after suitable decoding.
DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING The Poor man’s Super Computer Paper Presentation
Increasing desktop CPU power and communications bandwidth have lead to the discovery of a new computation environment which helped to make distributed computing a more practical idea. The advantages of this type of architecture for the right kinds of applications are impressive. The most obvious is the ability to provide access to supercomputer level processing power or better for a fraction of the cost of a typical supercomputer. For this reasons this technology can be termed as the “Poor mans Super Computer”. In this paper we discuss “How Distributed Computing Works”, The Application Characteristics that make it special from other networking technologies. When going for a new technology it’s a must for us to the competing technologies and compare it with the new trends. We also discuss the areas where this computational technology can be applied. We also discuss the level of security and the standards behind this Technology
At the heart of this doorbell circuit are two NE555 ICs(IC1 and IC2).When any body presses switch S1 momentarily,the loudspeaker sounds a belltone as longas the time period of the monostable multivibrator built around IC1. The circuit is powered by a 9v battery.when switch S1 is pressed,IC1 is triggered at its pin 2 and output pin 3 goes high for a time period set using preset vr1 and CAPACITOR c1.The high output of IC1 resets IC2 and it starts oscillating to produce a belltone through the loudspeaker.IC2 is wide as an Astable Multivibrator whose Oscillation frequency can be varied with the help of preset VR2,so various tones can be heard through loudspeaker LS1. The circuit can be housed inside a plastic box and mounted on the rear side of the door.If the door is wooden,solder or wire to switch point of the circuitand mount an aluminium plate in front of the door.
Data Warehousing And Data Mining Paper Presentation And PPT
Organisations are today suffering from a malaise of data overflow. The developments in the transaction processing technology has given rise to a situation where the amount and rate of data capture is very high, but the processing of this data into information that can be utilised for decision making, is not developing at the same pace. Data warehousing and data mining (both data & text) provide a technology that enables the decision-maker in the corporate sector/govt. to process this huge amount of data in a reasonable amount of time, to extract intelligence/knowledge in a near real time.The data warehouse allows the storage of data in a format that facilitates its access, but if the tools for deriving information and/or knowledge and presenting them in a format that is useful for decision making are not provided the whole rationale for the existence of the warehouse disappears. Various technologies for extracting new insight from the data warehouse have come up which we classify loosely as "Data Mining Techniques".
PPT And Seminar Topic On Nano Technology
As the technology is reshaping human life and nanotechnology is where technology is going. Today's nanoscale science and technology includes research and development on the cutting edge of a broad range of fields. The term "nanotechnology" has been applied wherever scientists and technologists are grappling with the fundamental building blocks of matter, atoms and molecules.
Nanoscale science and technology includes the frontiers of chemistry, materials, medicine, and computer hardware — the research that enables the continuing technology revolution. As nanoscale technologies advance, they will enable the development of molecular manufacturing, a more systematic and powerful nanotechnology using nanoscale machines to build large-scale, atomically precise products cleanly, at low cost.
NanoTechnology PPT And Paper Presentation
Nanotechnology is being harbingered as the next enabling technology that will redesign the future of several technologies, products and markets. The nanotechnology industry is heralding a new world order. Nations are focusing on this emerging technology in particular and serious researches as well as industry efforts are being made. It is described as an enabling technology that will pave the way for novelty in every stream of technology. The number of sectors that are involved are many, due to the multi-disciplinary nature of the technology, offering scope for numerous opportunities. In this paper we are going to discuss about nano technology, why there is so much interest in such technology, approaches in nano technology, road map of nano technology, and 13 developments of nano technology such as nano d-ram chips, nano dot storage, nano technology in sports, smallest nano tube transistor, nano to speed up the internet, storage punch card, applications and future of this tiny technology which commands the future era.
Paper Presentation And PPT On NANOELECTRONICS
Nano electronics is potentially one of the branches of Nanotechnology with the most significant commercial impact and covers a very wide range of interdisciplinary areas of research and development such as telecommunications, automotive, multimedia, consumer goods and medical systems. The emergence of new research directions such as Hybrid molecular electronics, One dimensional structures such as nanowires, Nano–electromechanical–systems (NEMS) or Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) will strategically impact on future developments in the nano electronics domain and their long-term applications. These opportunities for alternative nanodevices (molecularbased technologies, nanomechanics, etc.), required by miniaturization, still required a number of technological challenges to be tackled such as interconnections. Nanotubes, Nanocapsules, Nanotextiles, Stretchable silicon, Nanoelectronic displays and difficult problems in nanotechnology are discussed in this paper.
VLSI and Embedded Systems Paper Presentation And PPT
This paper provides the information about the latest technologies which have much importance in the coming generations in order to improvise the electronic instruments.This draft contains information about two main streams of Electronics. One of them being VLSI [Very Large Scale Integration] and Embedded Systems being the other.As a part of it, we have come forward to specify the main contents of the paper through this abstract.The first part of the paper consists of Documentation of VLSI. This consists of:
• A brief introduction to VLSI which starts with its definition, an outlook of its history, specification of the system and its related concepts.
• Fundamentals and protocols involved in MOS chip fabrication
• Design of MOS chips using logic gates
• Overview of Low power VLSI circuits and systems
• Testability of integrated systems which also includes design constraints, failures in CMOS, and design techniques.
• Multimedia applications of VLSI have been discussed in detail by taking Digital Television as a case study.
• It’s applications in Telecommunication systems by taking A.T.M Switch as a case study
• Journals, top companies, reference books related to VLSI have been mentioned.
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