This paper includes the implementation of HAMMING-CUT-MATCHING algorithm which reduces the comparison time for matching the iris code with database so that we can use iris recognition in case of huge databases like voting system. As we have used hand geometry for verifying the identified person, it adds the security to the whole system. Finally this paper contains the applications of the combined features of the recognition of iris and verification of hand geometry in airport. The determination, measuring, and codification of the unique characteristic traits that each of us is born with is known as the science of biometrics. Various forms of computer-based biometrics for personal authentication have been around for the past twenty years, but not until recently have some reached maturity and a quality/reliability that has enabled their widespread application. In the past, hand geometry enjoyed the advantage of very small templates (codes containing the biometric data), but with modern computers this is no longer the main issue and iris based solutions are steadily gaining ground.