Network Security Features In TCPA Platform TCPA platform is next generation operating system to be released in 2009 A.D and has unbreakable network security system.
The Trusted computing platform alliance (TCPA) is an alliance of Microsoft, Intel, IBM, HP and AMD, which promotes a standard for a `more secure' PC. TCPA provides a computing platform on which you can't tamper with the application software, and where these applications can communicate securely with their authors and with each other.The Need For TCPA Change in Threat Methods and Internet threats
Previously hackers used to attack networks and servers. But due to increased security methods like encryption and firewalls now they are shifting attack onto client machines and PC's. They easily break the client PC that is obviously not well protected. Thus hackers will break into client machines, simply to get usernames and passwords to get into a target server. In the past no one has been concerned with client side security, but as these client attacks increase, they will pose increasing threats to both users and servers in electronic business. Protection of sensitive authentication data, such as passwords has now become critical for electronic business to succeed.